Hexarelin Infor
Име на продукта:Хексарелин
Молекулна формула:C47H58N12O6
Молекулно тегло:887.04022
Клас:Фармацевтичен клас
Hexarelin Description
Hexarelin is a six-amino acid peptide. Проучванията показват, че хексарелинът всъщност е по-ефективен и по-дълготраен от освобождаващия хормон на растежа хормон (ГХРХ). Хексарелин е известен също, че GHRP-6 има синергичен ефект с GHRH, causing a far greater release than either of these substances alone. By combining GHRP-6 with Hexarelin, a more potent GH releasing peptide combination is created than ever heard of. The potential clinical usefulness of these GH releasing hexapeptides is also reinforced by observations that long-term administration produces elevations in circulating IGF-1 concentrations. Long term treatment with GHRP-6 similarly has been shown to elevate serum IGF-1 as well as IGF-binding protein-3 concentrations and promote linear growth.
Hexarelin comes in a freeze dried powder just like the other GHRP peptides and storage should be done in a cool dry place until reconstituted and placed in a refrigerator. Bacteriostatic water is used to reconstitute the powder and an insulin syringe is the preferred method for administering subcutaneous injections of hexarelin. Users will notice 200mcgs is the saturation dose for hexarelin and over a few weeks of use total desensitization may begin to take place. Also, the occasional flare up of the pituitary has been noted when dosing far beyond saturation doses.
Desensitization can be cleared easily by taking a break from hexerlin usage for a few days to a few weeks. This GHRP is the strongest, and because of the desensitization factor, I believe the optimal way to use this peptide would be to blend it at low doses with other GHRP’s like GHRP2,GHRP6 or iPamorelin.
Hexarelin Application
Hexarelin is an appetite-regulating factor secreted from peripheral organs that is involved in regulation of energy homoeostasis via binding to the receptor resulting in the secretion of by the pituitary gland.The pathway activated by binding of Hexarelin to the secretagogue receptor,GHSR1a, regulates the activation of the downstream mitogen-activated protein kinase, Akt, nitricoxide synthase, and AMPK cascades in different cellular systems. One of the important features of GHSR1a displays constitutive activity possessing basal activity in the absence of an agonist, resulting in a high degree of receptor internalization as well as of signaling activity.Inverse agonists for the Hexarelin receptor could be particularly interesting for the treatment of obesity.This activity seems to provide a tonic signal required for the development of normal height, probably through an effect on the GH axis
Are you Hexarelin China supplier?
Да, We are Hexarelin China supplier and we can also supply other peptides.
How do you guarantee the Hexarelin quality?
We have our Hexarelin testing lab.
Hexarelin is frequently inquired from our clients in the United States,Великобритания и Европа. Ако имате нужда от информация, като например сертификат за анализ (КОА), Оферта за най-добра цена, please don’t hesitate to inquiry Hexarelin from us via email or phone on the contact us page.