GHRP-6 детайли:
Име на продукта:Growth hormone releasing peptide-6
Other Name:ГХРП-6
Original China
КАС 87616-84-0
Sequence His-D-Trp-Ala-Trp-D-Phe-Lys-NH2
Specification Ghrp-6 5mg/Vial, 10vial/Kit
Молекулна формула:C46H56N12O6
Външен вид:Бял прах
GHRP-6 Description:
Растежен хормон освобождаване пептид-6 или GHRP-6 е основно hgH secretagoue, което има потенциала да улесни ефективното повишаване на нивата на естествената секреция на hgH в нашето тяло. В същото време, this compound can also facilitate a sudden increase in body mass and bring about a massive reduction in body fat. GHRP-6 also includes artificial d-amino acids which lead the body to release growth hormones as well. GHRP-6 is not known to work well with GHRH, so it works at the Ghrelin’s receptor in place of that receptor.
GHRP-6 is a compound with a unique chain consisting of 6 amino acids which is responsible for telling our body when it has to start releasing the HGH secretions. GHRP-6 also blocks out somatostatin, a hormone which is primarily responsible for stopping HGH secretions from releasing.
The main use of GHRP-6 is promoting food consumption by initiating the feeling of hunger and to improve a person’s energy metabolism. This compound has also been extensively used to treat the deficiency of growth hormone along with other complications like cachexia, obesity, and eating disorders.
Although, GHRP-6 is relatively new in the market it has become quite the rage as performance enhancer. It is being made available the market by a few research companies.
GHRP-6 Effect
The benefits of GHRP-6 are extremely appealing to many types of athletes, and those looking to improve their general well being.GHRP-6 can help protect the body’s muscles by boosting recovery and protein synthesis. What’s more, it has also been shown to effectively fight inflammation.
Разбира се, we all want more muscle, and this compound will help increase muscle mass and development. This is probably the reason people pony up the cash for GHRP-6, and it works great at aiding fat loss, which makes it a very good option for recomping or cutting.
The benefits of GHRP-6 are much more pronounced in those who are already in shape and conditioned. Следователно, if you are obese, or completely out of shape, then it is best to work on your conditioning first before using GHRP-6. Meanwhile, those that are in top shape, will benefit the most from this compound, as it is the icing on the cake.
GHRP-6 Application
1. GHRP-6 Lowers body fat
GHRP-6 administration has the reputation of lowering fat, making it a good option for bodybuilders in their cutting cycles. It is also extremely attractive to those people who are weight conscious and are looking to shed those extra pounds without working hard at the gym; Increase muscle: GHRP-6 administration also has the reputation of facilitating an increase and development in muscles. GHRP-6 also ensures that the liver is working to initiate IGF-1 secretions helping you lose fat quicker and gain strength as the time passes by.
2. GHRP-6 Increase stamina
Those users who are vouching for the drug claim improvement in stamina levels post the administration of GHRP-6; Is protective and anti-inflammatory: GHRP-6 administration initiates better protection of the muscles and acts as an anti-inflammatory agent which is crucial in the muscle recovery process and synthesis.
3. GHRP-6 Deep Sleep
GHRH-6 dramatically enhances the formation of human growth hormone during the sleep cycle. This deep relaxing sleep and elevated production of HGH boosts the ability of the body to recover and revive from everyday life.The “pulsatile” release of growth hormone by GHRP-6 makes this peptide far better than the exogenous hGH. Also, using secretagogues like GHRP-6 is considered superior to that of synthetic hGH because via GHRP-6 there is a stimulation of natural GH release, without any unnecessary shutdown of the pituitary gland. Our pituitary gland is itself competent enough of secreting a great amount of GH.
4. GHRP-6 Anti-aging
Furthermore, GHRP-6 is an extremely effective anti-aging agent compared to hGH.
It is a cost effective alternative to hGH. The expense of GHRP-6 is on average half of the expense of HGH replacement therapy because of the complex process needed to genetically engineer hGH. It appears that the potential treatment benefits provided by both GHRP-6 and hGH replacement therapy are the same but the ways via which these useful results are obtained, differ considerably.
Are you GHRP-6 China supplier?
Да, We are GHRP-6 China supplier and we can also supply other peptides.
How do you guarantee the GHRP-6 quality?
We have our GHRP-6 testing lab.
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