» Суров стероиден прах » Анти естрогенни стероиди » 99% Чистота анаболен суров прах DHT / Stanolone, Андрогенни стероиди добавки

99% Чистота анаболен суров прах DHT / Stanolone, Андрогенни стероиди добавки




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Условия на плащане:Т/Т, Биткойн

Транспорт:Поддръжка Експрес · Морски транспорт · Сухопътен транспорт · Въздушен транспорт

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Stanolone Detail:

StanoloneStop Hair Loss Effectively
Псевдоним: Androstanolone; Дихидротестостерон ; ДХТ ; Hydrogenation Testosterone
CAS No: 521-18-6
Einecs No: 208-307-3
МФ: C19H30O2
MW: 290.44
Чистота: 99%
Външен вид: white crystalloid powder.

Stanolone Descrption

The main androgen which is secreted by the testes is of course testosterone. Обаче, in most of the body, the androgenic sign is not carried through by testosterone. In these tissues inluding brain (CNS), skin, genitalspractically everything but musclethe active androgen is actually dihydrotestosterone (ДХТ). Днес, обаче, Stanolone is rarely used by athletes. One reason for this is that almost all European and American compounds are no longer commercially available. The other reason is that most athletes use the still readily available Masteron which has similar effects. Neither the original nor a fake of Androstanolone is available on the black market.


What will people who buy stanolone do with it?

Some customers revealed that they bought stanolone as a stimulant to use. At present, we recommend that customers only use it for research and not for other purposes. Some customers will use a tablet press to make tablets for sale, and some will make them into liquids. Regardless of the final product, we will advise customers to control the dosage to avoid harm to the body.


Stanolone Applications:

Stanolone can be used as pharmaceutical material. Its main function is to promote metabolism. Anabolic effects include growth of muscle mass and strength, increased bone density and strength, and stimulation of linear growth and bone maturation.It doesn’t metabolize in the body long enough to make it to the muscles.
The main androgen which is secreted by the testes is of course testosterone. Обаче, in most of the body, the androgenic sign is not carried through by testosterone. In these tissues inluding brain (CNS), skin, genitalspractically everything but musclethe active androgen is actually dihydrotestosterone (ДХТ).
Because stanolone is very androgenic, one would think that androgenic side effects such as hair loss would be a big concern with androsterone. Luckily, this actually doesn’t appear to be too prevalent among users, but it is still something to keep an eye on. As mentioned before, this compound is great for cutting cycles.
It can aid in fat loss and increase strength and feelings of well being and energy, all of which are certainly welcome on a cutting cycle. As with its 3-beta isomer epiandrosterone, androsterone appears to have some immediate neurological effects such as increased strength, agression, and energy.

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