» САРМС » Andarine S4 CAS 401900-40-1 Sarms мускулен растежен хормон прах GTX 007

Андарин S4 CAS 401900-40-1 Sarms мускулен растежен хормон прах GTX 007




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  • Описание: __________

Име на продукта:Андарин
Synonym: С-4, ГТх-007;S4
CAS No.:401900-40-1
Опаковане:1kg/foil bag
Външен вид:Бял кристален прах

Андарин (S4) Описание: __________

As a research chemical,S4(Андарин) принадлежи към клас химикали, известни като SARMS или селективни модулатори на андрогенните рецептори. Като типичните андрогени,SARMS се свързват с андрогенния рецептор, но SARMS създават селективна анаболна активност.

Като перорално активен частичен агонист за андрогенните рецептори,S4(Андарин) is effective in not only maintaining lean body mass but actually increasing it.

S4 (Андарин) or Acetamidoxolutamide, is a SARM (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator). S4 is said to be the most potent SARM which helps sustain lean muscle mass while stimulating fat elimination at the same time.
S4(Андарин) is a form of SARM that attaches to the androgen receptor (АР) the same with regular androgens, the only variation is that S4 (Андарин)generates selective anabolic activity. S4(Андарин) is a SARM with utmost androgenic effects as it around 33% of the strength of testosterone when attaching to AR.
Compared to anabolic steroids and prohormones, Andarine does not have androgenic activity in non-skeletal muscle tissues .
S4(Андарин) is a SARM with maximum potential with a disintegration process of just 4 Часа. S4(Андарин) can decrease the size of the prostate if taken as recommended. It is administered orally.
Aside from preserving lean body mass, S4(Андарин) can also help improve it.
Aside from its muscle building advantages, S4(Андарин) won’t cause liver damage, can prevent gynecomastia(enlarged breasts in men) and can help boost your overall health .

Андарин (S4) Applications:

Andarine binds incredibly well to the androgen receptors of bone and muscle. While it doesn’t tend to impress in terms of building pounds upon pounds of muscle like trenbolone will, it has amazing effects on fat loss. Защо? Andarine is the least anabolic, yet most androgenic of the SARMS. When androgenic hormones or sarms attach to the androgen receptors in your adipose tissue or fat (yes we have androgen receptors in our fat too) they trigger fat oxidation.

This SARM is selective and shows no noticeable prostate activity. Andarine proved to be poor at building muscle tissue at lower doses, but it did, Всъщност, build lean hard muscle tissue at higher doses. These tissue gains have often been compared to that of winstrol or anavar, but, of course, without the associated androgenic side effects. Andarine is especially outstanding at strengthening, preserving and even building bone mass.

Andarine’s exceptional ability to help oxidize fat and keep your body from going catabolic while on a low calorie diet is its specialty. It will provide a hard, dry, lean look and increase vascularity. It provides notable strength and endurance even while in caloric deficit, и, at higher doses, it can even add hard muscle to your frame. Any other SARM stacks wonderfully with andarine, and the results will be compounded due to their synergistic effects. A stack of Andarine and ostarine (mk-2866), for example, would provide results arguably comparable to a stack of testosterone and winstrol. Again, SARMS are not steroids, and they provide less androgenic and anabolic effects as actual steroids, but the effects are very similar. Andarine can also be used by itself and provide fantastic results.

Андарин (S4) Dosage and Tips:

Andarine is recommended at doses of 50-75mg a day, and has even been tolerated at 100mg, although it is highly recommended to start low and gradually increase dosage to keeps side effects minimal. It has a half-life of 4 Часа, so I recommend you dose andarine (s4) at least twice a day, and probably even more ideally 3 timers per day. Optimum length of Andarine cycles are said to be up to 8 weeks long and is not hepatotoxic, so unlike oral steroids and comparable drugs, longer cycles do not cause danger to the liver.

Andarine Uses:

Андарин (ГТх-007, С-4) is an investigational selective androgen receptor modulator (САРМ) developed by GTX, Inc for treatment of conditions such as muscle wasting, osteoporosis and benign prostatic hypertrophy, using the non-steroidal androgen antagonist bicalutamide as a lead compound.
Andarine is an orally active partial agonist for androgen receptors. It is less potent in both anabolic and androgenic effects than other SARMs. In an animal model of benign prostatic hypertrophy, andarine was shown to reduce prostate weight with similar efficacy to finasteride, but without producing any reduction in muscle mass or anti-androgenic side effects. This suggests that it is able to competitively block binding of dihydrotestosterone to its receptor targets in the prostate gland, but its partial agonist effects at androgen receptors prevent the side effects associated with the anti-androgenic drugs traditionally used for treatment of BPH.
Andarine S4 is a SARM that was developed for treatment of muscle wasting, osteoporosis and benign prostatic hypertrophy. S4 is effective in not only maintaining lean body mass, but increasing it while reducing body fat.

For Cutting (best use of S4) · Andarine’s properties are very alike with steroids Anavar and Winstrol, the only difference is that S4(Андарин) can better provide lean muscle gains. S4(Андарин) displays the same binding resemblance to AR, hence presenting similar fat burning effects. S4(Андарин) can also minimize LPL (lipoprotein lipase) – an enzyme that causes lipid accumulation. ·Furthermore, Andarine also decreases fat while maintaining and even boosting muscle mass in a hypocaloric environment. It also improves vascularity for that “aesthetic” chiseled look with minimal to no water retention. Unlike steroids, it won’t affect your joints but reinforce muscle mass and power instead. S4(Андарин) is frequently inquired from our clients in the United States,Великобритания и Европа. Ако имате нужда от информация, като например сертификат за анализ (КОА), Оферта за най-добра цена, Моля, не се колебайте да направите запитване за Ostarine от нас по имейл или телефон на страницата за връзка с нас.

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