Нандролон деканоат(Дека) Описание: __________:
Дека 200, известен също като Deca Durabolin, е един от най-популярните инжекционни стероиди след тестостерон. В света на културисти / спортисти, Дека 200 има ниско превръщане в естроген за разлика от тестостерона, следователно ниските ароматизиращи свойства на нандролон са по-полезни. Дека 200 gives a lot of positive results and is relatively mild in adverse side effects on the face and skin. Administrating Deca 200, even doses as low as 100 mg на седмица, can result with good gain in muscle mass and strength.
It is known that this steroid is one of the most used anabolic steroids with an extremely long acting compound. Thus, estrogen and water retention cannot worry an athlete as they can only be related to higher dosages. That’s why Deca 200 has a better reputation among steroids balancing its side effects and excellent results. Обаче, we would recommend Proviroxyl (Провирон) / Tamox or HCG 5000iu injections in case of any concern. An athlete should know that we suggest Deca 200 not only for muscle mass, weight, strength but also for rising the immune system.
Нандролон деканоат(Дека)Recipes
1) Deca for 10 Грама 50 ml @ 200 мг/мл
10 grams powder
32.50 мл сусамово масло
2.5мл БА 5%
7.50мл BB 15%
10 grams powder
37.5 мл сусамово масло
2.5мл БА 5%
2.5мл BB 5%
2) Deca for 10 Грама 50 ml @ 200 мг/мл
10 grams powder
32.50 мл сусамово масло
2.5мл БА 5%
7.50мл BB 15%
10 grams powder
37.5 мл сусамово масло
2.5мл БА 5%
2.5мл BB 5%
Дека 200 Cycles
To reap a reward and the benefits within youre going to need to know how to cycle Deca 200 in-order to maximize your gains. Generally speaking, as this is such a slow acting steroid you will need to supplement for a decent amount of time in-order to allow the hormone to build in your system and provide benefits.
As a rule of thumb 8 weeks of use will be our minimal time frame with 12 weeks being far more efficient; we can supplement with Deca 200 for as long as 16 weeks but if your total cycle exceeds this time frame its usually best to substitute in another anabolic steroid so as to keep the body fresh and in a maximizing progressing working order. We have provided you some solid Deca 200 cycle examples; one for a beginner, one intermediate and one for the advanced performance enhancer. All three are well-suited for off-season gains and can even be used when dieting if food intake is proper.
Are you Deca oil China supplier?
Да, We are Deca oil China supplier and we can also supply other Injectable Anabolic Steroids.
How do you guarantee the Deca oil quality?
We have our Deca oil testing lab.
Deca oil is frequently inquired from our clients in the United States,Великобритания и Европа. Ако имате нужда от информация, като например сертификат за анализ (КОА), Оферта за най-добра цена, Моля, не се колебайте да направите запитване за Ostarine от нас по имейл или телефон на страницата за връзка с нас.