» Суров стероиден прах » Тестостерон стероид » CAS 315-37-7 Най-безопасният анаболен стероид мускул културизъм добавка тестостерон енантат прах

КАС 315-37-7 Най-безопасният анаболен стероид мускул културизъм добавка тестостерон енантат прах




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Условия на плащане:Т/Т, Биткойн

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Testosterone Enanthate Info

Име на продукта:Тестостерон енантат
Друго име:Test E
CAS No.:315-37-7
Молекулна формула:C26H40O3
Molecular weight:400.59
Клас:Medicine grade
Външен вид:White to yellowish-white crystalline powder

Many adult males have too low levels of male hormones, По този начин показва ниско желание за секс, загуба на апетит, умствена сънливост и липса на жизненост. Тестостероновият енантат се използва клинично за поддържане на андрогенната хомеостаза. Testosterone enanthate is also widely used in human and animal markets. The commonly used specifications are 50mg/ml, 100мг/мл. They are usually placed in 10ml vials. If the level of testosterone in the body rises, it will cause oily facial skin, and facial hair will grow vigorously. Men who are genetically predisposed to hair loss may be bald.

Testosterone Enanthate Description:

Testosterone Enanthate is one among the oldest and maybe the foremost unremarkably used sex hormone of all time. Internal secretion Testosterone Enanthate could be a slow acting unharness variety of the androgenic hormone hormone and would be the primary large long organic compound androgenic hormone type used. Artificial androgenic hormone itself would be developed within the 1930’s. The primary batches of androgenic hormone factory-made would don’t have any organic compound connected (Тестостерон суспензия) and uncalled-for to mention would be quick acting and need terribly frequent injections. In 1937 the primary organic compound controlled androgenic hormone would hit the market due to Schering and their new androgenic hormone Propionate product. this is able to yield additional management over the internal secretion hormone by regulation its time unharness. Обаче, within the early 1950’s a bigger organic compound in Testosterone Enanthate would be connected to the endocrine thereby retardation down the hormone’s activity even additional. Testosterone Enanthate would become the dominating androgenic hormone type within the medical field and androgenic hormone Testosterone Cypionate would be part of a number of years later. The distinction in androgenic hormone Testosterone Enanthate and androgenic hormone Testosterone Cypionate is basically inconsequential.

Testosterone Enanthate Applications:

Testosterone enanthate is one among the most styles of androgenic hormone prescribed within the us. It’s a slow-acting organic compound with a unharness time between 8-10 Дни. Testosterone enanthate is usually injected anyplace between once hebdomadally to once each 3 Седмици. Testosterone enanthate could be a fast-acting organic compound with a unharness time of 3-4 Дни. to stay blood levels from unsteady greatly, propionate is sometimes injected between one to 3 пъти седмично.

Test Enanthate is that the hottest variety of androgenic hormone prescribed everyplace within the world apart from the us, wherever the terribly similar androgenic hormone Testosterone Cypionate is usually most popular. Androgenic hormone Testosterone Enanthate includes a unharness time of between 8-10 Дни. it’s usually injected once all to 3 Седмици, although some users choose a double per week frequency similarly. This version of androgenic hormone can cause the standard aspect effects related to androgenic hormone, including: hair loss, acne, abnormalcy and ultimate surcease of the body’s natural androgenic hormone production.

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