» Суров стероиден прах » Нандролон стероид » CAS 62-90-8 Masteron стероид нандролон фенпропионат / АЕЦ за изграждане на мускули

КАС 62-90-8 Masteron стероид нандролон фенпропионат / АЕЦ за изграждане на мускули




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  • Описание: __________

Нандролон фенилпропионат
Псевдоним: АЕЦ
CAS No: 62-90-8
Einecs No: 200-551-9
МФ: C27H34O3
MW: 406.56
Чистота: 99%

Нандролон фенилпропионат Описание:

Нандролон фенилпропионат е за насърчаване на протеиновия синтез и метаболизма на често използвани хормони, псевдоним на киселината нандролон, са мъжки кетони, фенилпропионат тестостерон, повече Lele Baolong, повече Le Baoling. Да 19 – тестостерон и фенилпропионилхлорид, получени чрез естерификация. The dosage form is an oily injection which is administered by intramuscular injection. Can promote protein synthesis and calcium, phosphorus, potassium savings, for severe osteoporosis, premature children, growth retardation, dwarfism, severe malnutrition, etc .; can also be used for breast cancer surgery, functional uterine bleeding, uterine muscle Tumor and so on. But this product may have slightly masculinizing effect; not long-term use; prostate cancer, hypertension, pregnant women hanged; heart, liver, kidney dysfunction.

Nandrolone has been proven to improve endurance, increase the number of red blood cells and speed the rate of glycogen replenishment after strenuous physical activity.

One trait Steroid.com members love about nandrolone is its ability to reduce joint pain and soreness this is because the drug increases the rate of collagen synthesis and increase bone mineral content

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate dosage

Nandrolone phenylpropionate is a drug available for use as injection. It is very similar to the nandrolone undecanoate and nandrolone decanoate however, it is different in the way it is used. It is recommended to inject the drug every two-three days. It gets rapidly into the blood where remains active for a period of two, three days. Generally, the prescribed dose of nandrolone phenylpropionate is 50-10 mg/ injection.

Обаче, it is important to consult a doctor first and get prescription of the dose mostly appropriate to your medical condition, tolerance to the drug and desired results. It is important to inspect the vials prior to use in order to make sure there aren’t any particles in it. Follow the indications of use exactly as prescribed. The length of therapy with this drug may differ from patient to patient. If you have any questions related to the use of the injection, contact a pharmacist or ask counseling from a pharmacist.

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