GDF-8 Infor
Име на продукта:ГДФ-8
Химично наименование:Фактор за диференциация на растежа 8
Други имена:Миостатин
CAS No.:901758-09-6
Visual Appearance:Бял прах
Чистота: >98%
GDF-8 Описание:
Миостатин (ГДФ-8) е член на трансформиращия растежен фактор-бета (TGF-бета) суперсемейство, което е силно изразено в скелетната мускулатура, и GDF-8 загуба на функция води до удвояване на скелетната мускулна маса. GDF-8-deficient mice have been used as a model for studying muscle-bone interactions, and here we review the skeletal phenotype associated with altered GDF-8 signaling. It is now known that GDF-8 is a key regulator of mesenchymal stem cell proliferation and differentiation, and mice lacking the GDF-8 gene show decreased body fat and a generalized increase in bone density and strength.
The increase in bone density is observed in most anatomical regions, including the limbs, spine, and jaw, and GDF-8 inhibitors have been observed to significantly increase bone formation. GDF-8 is also expressed in the early phases of fracture healing, and GDF-8 deficiency leads to increased fracture callus size and strength. Together, these data suggest that GDF-8 has direct effects on the proliferation and differentiation of osteoprogenitor cells, and that GDF-8 antagonists and inhibitors are likely to enhance both muscle mass and bone strength.
GDF-8 Application:
1.Миостатин (ГДФ-8), a member of the TGFbeta superfamily, is a potent and specific negative regulator of skeletal muscle mass. In serum, GDF-8 circulates as part of a latent complex containing GDF-8 propeptide and follistatin-relatedgene.
2.The GDF-8 propeptide is known to bind and inhibit myostatin in vitro. This interaction is relevant in vivo, with a majority (>70%) of myostatin in serum bound to its propeptide. The GDF-8 propeptide is negative regulator of myostatin in vivo.
3.Animals either lacking GDF-8 or treated with substances that block the activity of GDF-8 have significantly more muscle mass. Furthermore, individuals who have mutations in both copies of the GDF-8 gene have significantly more muscle mass and are stronger than normal. Blocking the activity of GDF-8 may have therapeutic application in treating muscle wasting diseases such as muscular dystrophy.
Миостатин (GDF8) is expressed uniquely in human skeletal muscle as a 12 kDa mature glycoprotein consisting of 113 amino acid residues and secreted into plasma. GDF-8 is a member of the transforming growth factor ß superfamily of secreted growth and differentiation factors that is essential for proper regulation of skeletal muscle mass. Studies have shown that GDF-8 could play an important role in cardiac development and physiology.
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Да, We are GDF8 China supplier and we can also supply other peptides.
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