» ПЕПТИД » Спечелете мускули и губят мазнини пептид » HGH Fragment 176-191 Изграждане на мускулите растежен хормон на прах CAS 221231-10-3

HGH фрагмент 176-191 Изграждане на мускулите растежен хормон на прах CAS 221231-10-3




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Условия на плащане:Т/Т, Биткойн

Транспорт:Поддръжка Експрес · Морски транспорт · Сухопътен транспорт · Въздушен транспорт

  • Описание: __________

Фраг 176-191 Подробности:

Име на продукта: HGH Фраг 176-191

Спецификация: 2mg/vial

КАС: 120511-73-1

Проба: 98%

МФ: C76H118N24O22S2

MW: 1786.08

Външен вид: Freeze-dried powder

Single Impurity(HPLC) : 0.5%max

Amino Acid Composition : ±10% of theoretical

Peptide Content(N%) : ≥80.0%

Water Content(Карл Фишер) : ≤8.0%

Acetate Content(HPIC) : ≤10.0%

Specific Rotation (20/D) : -55.0~-65.0°(c = 1 1% HAc)

МС(ЕСИ): Consistent

Mass Balance : 95.0~105.0%

Фраг 176-191 Описание: __________

HGH фрагмент (HGH Фраг 176-191) is a peptide hormone of the Growth Hormone (GH) class. Специално, HGH Фраг 176-191 is as its name implies a fragment of the GH hormone, a piece or part of the GH hormone. Human Growth Hormone (HGH), the tail end of the hormone is cut off and what’s removed is HGH Frag 176-191. This is the part of HGH that represents its fat burning power. This will be the primary and perhaps only purpose of HGH Frag 176-191, for use in fat loss and dieting. The studies on HGH Frag 176-191 date back into the 1970’s and in the early 1980’s were confirmed in terms of the fragments ability to directly affect adipose tissue.

HGH фрагмент 176-191 is the end of the 191-amino acid Human Growth Hormone molecular chain.Taking this fragment from HGH, including the peptide bonds from Fragment 176-191, they found they had developed a peptide that regulated fat loss 12.5 times better than regular HGH.

Всъщност, it inhibits lipogenesis; and stops formation of fatty acids and other lipids. Also, unlike other fat burning compounds out there, users will not experience hunger suppressing qualities or the jittery feelings that can be associated with ephedrine like compounds (think clenbuterol). Since it does not compete for HGH receptors. HGH Фраг 176-191 will not cause hyperglycemia. Освен това, it will promote lean body mass, protein synthesis, increase bone mineral density, and better sleep.
т по (hgH fragment 176-191) exhibits the ability to burn through stubborn adipose tissue, while increasing energy expenditure, muscle mass, and fat oxidation. All studies have pointed to the fact that the fragment 176-191 is an effective treatment for obesity and fat loss, and much safer than its Human Growth Hormone counterpart.
As a part of a peptide regiment, bodybuilders should seriously consider adding HGH fragment 176-191 into their protocols. It has an incredibly ability to regulate fat metabolism without the adverse side effects on insulin sensitivity. By isolating the tail end of the GH molecule.

fragment 176-191 Application

The HGH fragment 176-191 stimulates lipolysis and inhibits lipogenesis both en vivo/en vitro.
Фрагмент 176-191 has shown no effect on growth or insulin resistance, unlike the full HGH molecule. This is the newest, most powerful GH fragment on the market. Studies have shown sustained fatloss, aimed directly at adipose tissue.
It has been shown that the fat-reducing effects of Fragment 176-191 appear to be controlled by a small analog region of the C-terminus end of the HGH Fragment 176-191 molecule. This region consists of amino acids Fragment 176-191, thus the name. This peptide fragment 176-191 works by mimicking the way natural hGH regulates fat metabolism but without the adverse effects on blood sugar that is seen with unmodified HGH.

HGH фрагмент 176-191 is the end of the 191-amino acid Human Growth Hormone molecular chain. GH is a hormone produced by the pituitary. HGH is the synthetic version produced in a lab; both are comprised of the same 191-amino acid chain. GH, in particular elevated levels through the use of HGH have long been associated with fat loss. They have also been associated with increases in muscularity, recovery and a host of health and anti-aging benefits. For HGH Frag 176-191, the concentration of action is only on the adipose fat cells, specifically by increasing lipolitic action.
HGH Фраг 176-191 has been shown to be such an effective fat loss tool it actually inhibits the formation of lipids and fatty acids. Equally important, as it is only a portion of the full GH hormone, the issues of hyperglycemia often associated with HGH use are absent. This means there is no blood sugar issues as can occur at times with HGH.

Are you Frag 176-191 China supplier?

Да, We are Frag 176-191 China supplier and we can also supply other peptides.

How do you guarantee the Frag 176-191 quality?

We have our Frag 176-191 testing lab.

Фраг 176-191 is frequently inquired from our clients in the United States,Великобритания и Европа. Ако имате нужда от информация, като например сертификат за анализ (КОА), Оферта за най-добра цена, please don’t hesitate to inquiry Frag 176-191 from us via email or phone on the contact us page.

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