» Завършено масло » High Purity Yellow Semi Oil Anadrol 50mg / Ml за културист

Висока чистота жълто полу масло Anadrol 50mg / Ml за културист




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Кук рецепти за Anadrol:
Анадрол 50 Маслена основа :
50мл @ 50мг/мл
2.5 грамове Anadrol (2.5мл)
2.5мл БА
2.5мл BB
5ml guaiacol
37.5ml Масло

Анадрол 50 Водна база :
20ml на 50 мг/мл
1 грам Anadrol прах
1 Бехерова чаша, подходяща за задържане на обема на течностите
8.4 ml PEG 300
10.5 мл 190 Доказателство зърно алкохол

Anadrol Descriptions:

Anadrol is the strongset effective oral steroid and has an extremely androgenic which hand in hand with an extremely intense anabolic component, by taking the Anadrol the athletes experiences an enormouspump effectduring the workout in the exercised muscles. Anadrol self as an anabolic hormone drugs, can promote protein synthesis and inhibiting protein dysplasia, and can lower blood cholesterol, reduce calcium phosphorus excretion and reduce bone marrow suppression, promoting development, promote tissue freshmen and granulation. Caused by long-term use of adrenal cortical hormone have prevention and protection against the adrenal cortex hypofunction.

Anadrol Applications:

Anadrol is bodybuilding anabolic steroid. To further increase its effectiveness as an anabolic agent, bodybuilders typically stack (see steroid stack) Anadrol with other anabolic steroids. Since it is already a very potent androgen, many users will combine it with drugs to further their gains.Briefly: Using Anadrol, or Dianabol, in combination with injectable anabolic steroids is one of the most effective ways to improve a steroid cycle. Anadrol is highly effective in promoting extensive gains in body mass,mostly by greatly improving protein synthesis. Поради тази причина, it is often used by bodybuilders and athletes.Anadrol is most likely second only to Dianabol (methandrostenolone) as a bodybuilding anabolic steroid. Additionally, it has had considerable medical importance particularly for treatment of anemia, and more recently to help maintain lean body mass in HIV-compromised patients.
Анадрол 50 have low to moderate androgenic effect, which combines with the powerful anabolic effect and rapidly causes gain in mass. Anadrol is commonly used by athletes and body builders and the results can be seen in 3-4 Седмици.

Anadrol Dose:

Typical usage is 50-150 mg/ден. In some cases larger doses such as 300 mg/day are used, but when suitably stacked with one or more other anabolic steroids, often there is little further benefit from exceeding 150 mg/ден.

Are you Anadrol oil China supplier?

Да, We are Anadrol oil China supplier and we can also supply other Injectable Anabolic Steroids.

How do you guarantee the Anadrol oil quality?

We have our Anadrol oil testing lab.

Anadrol oil is frequently inquired from our clients in the United States,Великобритания и Европа. Ако имате нужда от информация, като например сертификат за анализ (КОА), Оферта за най-добра цена, Моля, не се колебайте да направите запитване за Ostarine от нас по имейл или телефон на страницата за връзка с нас.

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