» Завършено масло » Injecting Steroids Oil Testosterone Enanthate/Test E 250mg/ml for bodybuilding

Инжектиране на стероиди масло тестостерон енантат / тест Е 250mg / ml за бодибилдинг

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Testosterone Enanthate Product Description

Testosterone enanthate is an ester of testosterone which is used for the treatment in males to treat primary hypogonadism (вродени или придобити) – тестикуларна недостатъчност поради крипторхизъм, двустранно усукване, орхит, изчезващ синдром на тестисите, или орхидектомия.

Тестостерон 250 USP инжектиране осигурява тестостерон енантат, производно на основния ендогенен андроген тестостерон, за интрамускулно приложение. The esterification of the 17 – beta – hydroxyl group increases the duration of the action of testosterone. Testosterone esters in oil injected intramuscularly are absorbed slowly from the lipid phase, thus Testosterone 250 can be administered at intervals of 1 -2 Седмици.

Bodybuilding Benefits of Testosterone Enanthate:

Testosterone with Enanthate ester that exhibits strong androgenic and anabolic propreties and is the most important and effective steroid among bodybuilders. Testosterone Enanthate offers dramatic gain in muscle size, body strength, stamina, and performance, sexual drive and libido. Testosterone Enanthate improves the levels of red blood cell production promotes the increase nitrogen retention in the muscle.

What does Testosterone Enanthate do?
Testosterone enanthate is a kind of long-term male pill, can through a variety of ways to take medicine (2 times per week to once every three weeks, 200 ~ 500 mg each time, intramuscular injection). Through more than 100 cases of volunteers, the results show that the intramuscular injection of 250 mg once week, after 10 Седмици, it can make the most of men’s sperm have no or less severe sperm, sperm count can be recovered after withdrawal time, adverse reactions with the former. Such as the injection interval extended to more than 10 ~ 12 d, the effect of double dose is not ideal.

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