Име на продукта: Оксандролон
Other Name: Анаболен
КАС: 53-39-4
МФ: К19Х30О3
MW: 306.44
EINECS: 200-172-9
МП: 235-238°C
Външен вид: White Crystalline Powder
Описание: __________:
Anavar за разлика от повечето стоматологични съединения е категоризиран като клас I анаболен стероид, най-ефективно подредени с клас II съединения като Dianabol или Anadrol. It adds little if anything to high-dose use of Class I anabolic steroids such as or to high-dose , which is classified as having mixed activity. It can be an aid, albeit an expensive one, to moderate dose testosterone usage.
Anavar has often been called a weak steroid. Part of the reason for this is that use of a Class I steroid alone never is maximally effective. The other cause is that bodybuilders and authors in the field sometimes make unfortunate and unreasonable comparisons when judging anabolic steroids.