Epitalon Infor
Бързи детайли
Име на продукта:Епиталон
Външен вид:Бял прах
Име на продукта:Глицин, L-аланил-L-а-глутамил-L-а-аспартил-
Синоними:Епиталон;Епиталон;Глицин, L-аланил-L-а-глутамил-L-а-аспартил-;L-аланил-L-алфа-глутамил-L-алфа-аспартилглицин;9: ПН: WO02090380 Страница: 55 Заявен протеин; Синоними: Епиталон, ЛС-72251, АР-1Дж2975, АК1Л55И7, АС1К5ОК4,
Epitalon Description
Епиталон, известен също като епиталон и епиталон, е синтетична тетра-пептидна версия на епиталамин (епиталон тетра), която естествено се произвежда от епифизната жлеза в мозъка. The epitalon tetra peptide is made up of four amino acid building blocks (alanine, glutamic acid, aspartic acid, and glycine) and has been shown to have a wide range of beneficial biological activities in animal and human studies [1].
Long-term exposure to epithalamin was followed by an increase in the mean and maximum life spans of aging of rats, mice, and flies. In human cells, epitalon stimulates enzymatic activity of telomerase, and telomere elongation, which can be due to reactivation of the telomerase gene. Telomerase extends the length of human DNA to make cells biologically younger, which provides the possibility of prolonging the life span of a cell population and of the entire body [2]. Results of a 12-month study following patients with accelerated aging treated with epitalon showed that the peptide reduced mortality, normalised metabolism and improved the condition of various metabolic systems [3]. The peptide was also shown to reduce serum insulin and fatty acid levels in rabbits and improve glucose tolerance in these animals.
Epitalon stimulates the immune system by increasing the number of antibody producing cells, which fight infection [4]. Epitalon is a potent antioxidant able to stimulate the production of multiple antioxidant enzymes inside the body to improve antioxidant defence [5]. Overall, results show a high efficiency of epithalamin therapy for reducing age-related illnesses, including various cancers, metabolic syndromes and heart conditions. These studies demonstrate that the peptide has the potential to slow down disease processes and to extend human lifespan.
Epitalon Application
After 12 years of taking the peptide Epitalon several weeks per year, the scientists subjects in this study, showed a lifespan 30 да 50% longer than those who didn’t take it. Taking Epithalon gave them an average of 7 extra years of life in excellent health. This clinical study lasted only for 12 years, and they gained 7 extra years of life, but of course, nothing stops you from taking Epitalon forever, and live healthy for ever !
Rejuvenated cells are also the key to an efficient immune system. For that reason, taking Epitalon will also keep your body fit against all the diseases. This small peptide is simply made of 4 Аминокиселини, but its effect on the body is the most amazing thing that we had ever imagined and witnessed.
This amazing oral supplement is taken by numerous doctors around the world, and a few privileged patients that consult them. Now you can have it too !
These entrepreneurs decided to enlarge the circle of the privileged humans that will be able to prolong their lives without limits, by offering Epitalon in its purest form and for a much lower price than it was available to day through medical professionals. They are the first to bring this product to the public market, as it was only available to medical professionals until today.
To guaranty the quality of the product and its distribution service, they have unfortunately limited the number of units that they will offer during the first phase of commercialisation. They are offering only 100 vials of Pure Epithalon per country and per month. Да, it’s very little compared to the population of the world, but they hope that one day every good person will have the chance to live longer with Pure Epitalon.
Are you Epitalon China supplier?
Да, We are Epitalon China supplier and we can also supply other peptides.
How do you guarantee the Epitalon quality?
We have our Epitalon testing lab.
Epitalon is frequently inquired from our clients in the United States,Великобритания и Европа. Ако имате нужда от информация, като например сертификат за анализ (КОА), Оферта за най-добра цена, please don’t hesitate to inquiry Epitalon from us via email or phone on the contact us page.