» Суров стероиден прах » Тестостерон стероид » Muscle Gaining Testosterone Sustanon 250 Прах , Анаболен тестостерон за отслабване

Мускул набира тестостерон Sustanon 250 Прах , Анаболен тестостерон за отслабване




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Условия на плащане:Т/Т, Биткойн

Транспорт:Поддръжка Експрес · Морски транспорт · Сухопътен транспорт · Въздушен транспорт

  • Описание: __________

Име на продукта Sustanon 250
Псевдоним:Сустанон, Testosterone blend
Composition:Тестостерон пропионат 30 Грама, Тестостерон фенилпропионат 60 Грама,Тестостерон изокапроат 60 Грама,Тестостерон деканоат 100 Грама
Външен вид:Бял прах

Сустанон 250 Описание: __________

Сустанон 250 е чист тестостерон съединение; тя се състои от същия тестостерон хормон, който съставлява съединения като тестостерон-ципионат, Тестостерон-енантат, Тестостерон-пропионат или всяка друга форма, за която можете да се сетите. Where Sustanon 250 differs from the other compounds mentioned is that it is testosterone mixture; it is a mixture of four testosterone ester compounds where the previously mentioned are single ester compounds. The idea behind this mixture is rather simple; brought to the market by Organon, the idea was to provide a testosterone compound for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) that would provide instantaneous testosterone benefits like a single small ester compound, but equally provide the benefits of a large single ester compound. Through this coupling of esters, this would mean the TRT patient would only have to administer the hormone on a very infrequent basis, as little as every three to four weeks, and it would prove to be successful.

While the idea of continuous testosterone release was proven successful, Сустанон 250 has in recent years proven to be ineffective in-terms of overall efficiency when administered on such an infrequent basis.

Effect of Sustanon 250

During an off-season bulking cycle this is one of the best times to use Sustanon 250. High testosterone levels create the perfect atmosphere for muscle growth. Granted, the calories have to be there. If you’re not eating enough all the testosterone in the world wont’ help you grow. Обаче, the combination of a well-planned diet and high testosterone levels will see tremendous advancements in lean tissue growth.

While many understand high testosterone levels are beneficial when growing, many fail to understand how beneficial they can be when cutting. A cutting cycle is a perfect time to supplement with Sustanon 250. Due to its tremendously powerful anabolic nature this hormone will protect lean muscle tissue better than just about anything else. When we diet we must burn more calories than we consume and this puts our lean muscle tissue at risk. The body will take what it needs to meet its energy demands from wherever it can get it, and this is often out muscle tissue. The idea is to force the body to burn fat, not muscle and a well-planned diet can help but it can only go so far. At some point the body will go into survival mode and protect the stored body fat and tap into muscle stores for its energy needs unless there is an anabolic protectant such as what high testosterone levels can provide.

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