DSIP Infor
Име на продукта:ДСИП
Химично наименование:Делта сънотворния пептид
CAS Number:62568-57-4
Молекулна формула:C35H48N10O15
Молекулно тегло:848.81
Външен вид:Бял прах
DSIP Description:
Делта сънотворния пептид, съкратено DSIP, е невропептид, който при вливане в мезодиенцефалната камера на реципиентни зайци индуцира вретено и делта ЕЕГ активност и намалява двигателната активност.
DSIP е открит за първи път в 1974 by the Swiss Schoenenberger-Monnier group who isolated it from the cerebral venous blood of rabbits in an induced state of sleep. DSIP was primarily believed to be involved in sleep regulation due to its apparent ability to induce slow-wave sleep in rabbits, but studies on the subject have been contradictory.
DSIP is an amphiphilic peptide of molecular weight 850 daltons with the amino acid motif.DSIP has been found in both free and bound forms in the hypothalamus, limbic system and pituitary as well as various peripheral organs, tissues and body fluids. In the pituitary it co-localises with many peptide and non-peptide mediators such as corticotropin-like intermediate peptide (CLIP), adrenocorticotrophic hormone (АКТХ), melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH), thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and melanin concentrating hormone (MCH). DSIP is abundant in the gut secretory cells and in the pancreas where it co-localises with glucagon.
DSIP Application:
ДСИП (Delta Sleep-inducing Peptide) is a neuropeptide found in the hypothalamus, pituitary, and adrenal glands. DSIP’s isolation has allowed for extensive research which has found several possible primary and peripheral roles of this peptide. Пръв, DSIP has been shown to induce sleep. Секунда, DSIP may have benefits as an analgesic in treatment of chronic pain, sometimes as an adjunct treatment. Трети, DSIP has been shown to block ACTH release and decrease levels of ACTH, stimulate LH release, and act as an inhibitor of the secretion of somatostatin. The source of production of DSIP is yet unknown; It may be produced in the central nervous system or in a peripheral organ.
As mentioned, DSIP has shown positive results in inducing slow-wave EEG (sleep). DSIP has been shown to help treat narcolepsy and restore disturbed sleep patterns to normal sleep rhythms.Since the turn of the century, DSIP has been postulated that humoral factors induce sleep. Many compounds were proposed as sleep-factors, but only two of the sleep-peptides have been purified to homogeneity and characterized, so far. One of them, ДСИП, was shown to be a nonapeptide of MW 849 and to induce mainly delta-sleep in rabbits, rats, mice, and humans, whereas in cats, the effect on REM sleep was more pronounced.
A U-shaped activity curve was determined for the dose as well as for the time of infusion. DSIP-like material was found by RIA and immunohistochemistry in brain and by RIA in peripheral organs of the rat as well as in plasma of several mammals. In addition to sleep, the peptide also has been observed to affect electrophysiological activity, neurotransmitter levels in the brain, circadian and locomotor patterns, hormonal levels, psychological performance, and the activity of neuropharmacological drugs including their withdrawal.
Are you DSIP China supplier?
Да, We are DSIP China supplier and we can also supply other peptides.
How do you guarantee the DSIP quality?
We have our DSIP testing lab.
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