» САРМС » Raw Steroid Powders MK2866 / Остарин / Енобосарм CAS 841205-47-8 За огромен мускул

Сурови стероидни прахове MK2866 / Остарин / Енобосарм CAS 841205-47-8 За огромен мускул




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Условия на плащане:Т/Т, Биткойн

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  • Описание: __________

Име на продукта:Остарин
Химично наименование:МК2866, Енобосарм
CAS Number:841205-47-8
EINECS номер:212-729-3
Молекулна формула:C19H18F3N3O6
Молекулно тегло:441.36
Външен вид:Бял прах

Ostarine Description:

Ostarine е селективен модулатор на андрогенните рецептори(САРМ) и един вид бял прах. Остаринът принадлежи към химическата суровина. Ostarine е известен също като enobosarm. Остарин (МК2866) е SARM, разработен от GTx за профилактика и лечение на загуба на мускули. Ostarine may eventually be a medical prescription for the prevention of cachexia, atrophy and sarcopenia as well as for Hormone or Testosterone Replacement Therapy.

As a research chemical, Ostarine belongs to a class of chemicals know as SARMS or selective androgen receptor modulators. Остарин(САРМС) create selective anabolic activity at certain androgen receptors. In comparison to testosterone and other anabolic steroids, the advantage of SARMS, is they do not have androgenic activity in non-skeletal muscle tissues. Ostarine is effective in maintaining and increasing lean body mass.

Енобосарм (Остарин, МК2866, ГТх-024) – affects both muscle and bone, intended mainly for osteoporosis but also general treatment for andropause and reversing muscle sarcopenia in the elderly and for cachexia in cancer patients.Ostarine (САРМ) used in the treatment of osteoporosis and muscle wasting in animal models. A potential compound for the treatment of hypoactive sexual desire disorder.

Остарин Applications:

For bodybuilding
Енобосарм (Остарин, МК2866, ГТх-024) – affects both muscle and bone, intended mainly for osteoporosis but also general treatment for andropause and reversing muscle sarcopenia in the elderly and for cachexia in cancer patients

For cutting
Остарин (САРМ) used in the treatment of osteoporosis and muscle wasting in animal models. A potential compound for the treatment of hypoactive sexual desire disorder.

For Recomping
Ostarine shines in recomping due to its nutrient portioning results. Calorie is used to build muscle which helps in weight loss and enhancing muscle mass and strength. Suggested dosing is 12.5-25 mg for 4-8 Седмици.

Остарин & Losing Body fat (cutting)

Ostarine would mainly match a cutting protocol for that upkeep of muscle tissue while reducing calories. Probably the most disheartening final results of cutting may be the loss hard gained muscle tissue. The stop by metabolism and hormonal levels (Т3, IGF, Testosterone etc) with the possible lack of calories is an ideal catabolic atmosphere for lack of muscle tissues. As Ostarine has anabolic effects, the dieter can reduce calories without needing to be worried about muscle or strength loss. Ostarine has additionally proven noticeable nutrient partitioning effects among customers, one more reason why it may be a big help when cutting.What are the side effects of using Ostarine?Ostarine is really a safe compound, without any major unwanted effects, and it is presently under clinical testing and recent results for safety and effectiveness are extremely promising.

Ostarine is non-methylated, so it’s not liver toxic and really should have virtually no impact on bloodstream pressure. There has been a couple of reported installments of gyno develop when running Ostarine to have an long time, which generally means more than 4 Дни. For this sake we recommend, that when you use Ostarine you take an oestrogen blocker/aromatase inhibiter alongside it.What is the proper dosage for Ostarine?The recommended dose for ostarine is 25mg (1мл) per day, taken before training or exercise, for the purpose of building muscle mass. The suggested cycle is 6 weeks on, 2 weeks off. If you are taking Ostarine for the sole purpose of improving bone and joint health, the optimal dose will be between 10-15 mg daily. Where to buy selective androgen receptor modulators and ostarine?Ostarine is frequently inquired from our clients in the United States,Великобритания и Европа. Ако имате нужда от информация, като например сертификат за анализ (КОА), Оферта за най-добра цена, Моля, не се колебайте да направите запитване за Ostarine от нас по имейл или телефон на страницата за връзка с нас.

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