» Завършено масло » Semi Finished Oil Anabolic Agents Steroids Methenolone Enanthate 100 За изграждане на мускули

Полуготови масла анаболни агенти стероиди Methenolone Enanthate 100 За изграждане на мускули




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Условия на плащане:Т/Т, Биткойн

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Метенолон Енантат Recipes:

50 Ml за 200mg/ml
10 грамове Primobolan енантат прах (7.5мл)
1мл БА (2%)
7.5мл BB (15%)
17ml Grapeseed Oil
17ml Ethyl Oleate

40ml for 100mg/ml
4 грамове Primobolan енантат
29 ml Grapeseed Oil
2ml Бензилов алкохол = 5%
6ml бензилбензоат = 15%

Methenolone Enanthate Описания:

When it interacts with the aromatase enzyme it does not form any estrogens. Methenolone Enanthate is used by people who are very succeptible to estrogenic side effects, having lower estrogenic properties than Nandrolone. Methenolone Enanthate is available as an injection or as an oral(Primogen). The injection is naturally regarded as having a higher bioavailability. It’s an enanthate ester which is quite long-acting. Because it by-passes hepatic breakdown on the first pass, it also has a higher survival rate.

The tablets are in a short-lived acetate form. Methenolone Enanthate is not 17-alpha-alkylated, but 1-methylated for oral bioavailability. This reduces the stress on the liver, but also the availability. Methenolone Enanthate is considered one of the safer steroids, meaning it has a very little side effects. Methenolone Enanthate has no estrogenic side effects, and its effects on cholesterol levels are minimal. In doses of 200 mg or less (intramuscular) blood pressure is rarely altered. Possibly one of the safer anabolic steroids for females due to very low virilization effects in short-term usage. Разбира се, this is not a blanket-statement and individual results (dependent on doses and tolereance) will vary.

Methenolone Enanthate Application:

Methenolone Enanthate is the injectable version of methenolone with a long ester attached to slow absorption of a the active Methenolone Enanthate compound and provide steady blood concentrations. Оралната версия на това съединение е практически идентична с разликата е прикрепеният етер (the oral version has a shorter acetate ester attached). Both versions of Methenolone Enanthate are good choices for cutting cycles for men and/or women and have shown to maintain muscle while on a low-calorie diet. Methenolone Enanthate provides a less frequent administration mode for Methenolone Enanthate and anecdotally appears to require a lower overall dose in order to be as effective as the oral acetate version.

Methenolone Enanthate has a reputation as being a very safe steroid and in doses of up to 200 mgs/week very little side effects are reported. Unfortunately, many users also report minor gains at best using such a low dose and more pronounced gains seem to occur at 350 mgs/week (100 mg EOD) and up. While Methenolone Enanthate is mild without much HPTA suppression, higher doses will result in negative feedback in this regard. Also, some users report hair loss while using Primo so a product like finasteride may be necessary while cycling Methenolone Enanthate. On the plus side, because of the few side effects exhibited by primo use, an anti-estrogen is likely not necessary.

Are you Methenolone Enanthate oil China supplier?

Да, We are Methenolone Enanthate oil China supplier and we can also supply other Injectable Anabolic Steroids.

How do you guarantee the Methenolone Enanthate oil quality?

We have our Methenolone Enanthate oil testing lab.

Methenolone Enanthate oil is frequently inquired from our clients in the United States,Великобритания и Европа. Ако имате нужда от информация, като например сертификат за анализ (КОА), Оферта за най-добра цена, Моля, не се колебайте да направите запитване за Ostarine от нас по имейл или телефон на страницата за връзка с нас.

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