» Суров стероиден прах » Тестостерон стероид » Strongest Hormone Raw Anabolic Steroid Powder Testosterone Acetate CAS1045-69-8 for Muscle Building

Най-силният хормон суров анаболен стероид на прах тестостерон ацетат CAS1045-69-8 за изграждане на мускули




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Условия на плащане:Т/Т, Биткойн

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Име на продукта: Testosterone acetate
Синоними: 17-[(1-Оксоацетил)окси]андрост-4-ен-3-он;17-Бета-(ацетилокси)андрост-4-ен-3-он;17бета-ацетокси-DELTA4-андростан-3-он;17бета-ацетокси-делта4-андростен-3-он;17бета-хидроксиандрост-4-ен-3-он ацетат;3-Оксоандрост-4-ен-17бета-ил ацетат;3-Оксоандрост-4-ен-17-ил ацетат;Aceto-sterandryl
КАС: 1045-69-80
МФ: C21H30O3
MW: 330.46
EINECS: 213-876-6
Chemical Properties White Solid

Testosterone Acetate Description:

Тестостеронът ацетат е един от най-популярните използвани тестостеронови продукти на пазара днес. Тестостеронът ацетат е много ефективен при изграждането на мускулите, изгаряне на мазнини и придобиване на сила. Също така е евтино и лесно да се получи.

Testosterone Acetate is the male sex hormone responsible for many of the physical and emotional traits of men. Testosterone Acetate creates the deeper voices, sex drive, aggression and, of coarse, larger muscles in men. Testosterone makes the muscles retain more nitrogen, which in turn makes the muscle synthesize proteins better, producing larger muscles.

Testosterone Acetate combination of Testosterone and ester acetate, Testosterone Acetate is an androgenic steroid with a pronounced anabolic effect. Most acetate treatments deliver medication to the body relatively quickly. Testosterone Acetate has very low risk of water retention. Individuals that utilize this form of Testosterone also claim that it is arguably the most painless form of Testosterone.

The use of Testosterone Acetate will quickly shut down the body’s natural production of the hormone, thus making a proper PCT plan essential for restoring the body’s natural function and maintaining gains as best as possible after use of the steroid has been discontinued. At cycle’s end, athletes often choose to use a combination of Clomid, Нолвадекс, and HCG for a period of 3-4 weeks in order to restore pituitary gland and testes operation quickly and effectively.

Testosterone Acetate Applications:

Testosterone Acetate combination of Testosterone and ester acetate, Testosterone Acetate is an androgenic steroid with a pronounced anabolic effect. Most acetate treatments deliver medication to the body relatively quickly. Testosterone Acetate has very low risk of water retention. Individuals that utilize this form of Testosterone also claim that it is arguably the most painless form of Testosterone. Testosterone Acetate ester is much faster acting, and thus requires a more frequent schedule in order to keep blood levels as stable as possible. The benefit to this however, is that the steroid can be cleared from the body much more quickly after use is discontinued, thus making it a more preferable choice for tested athletes. Athletes use Testosterone Acetate to see dramatic gain in muscle size and strength, както и цялостно чувство за благополучие и повишава либидото и сексуалното желание.

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