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Тамоксифен цитрат Nolvadex CAS 54965-24-1 Анти естроген анаболен стероид на прах




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Nolvadex Infor

Име на продукта: Нолвадекс
Псевдоним: Тамоксифен,Нолвадекс,СТЕРАНАБОЛ;ТУРИНАБОЛ,Кесар; Нолтам; tamofen
CAS No: 54965-24-1
EINECS: 259-415-2
Проба: 99%
Молекулна формула: C26H29NO.C6H8O7
Molecular weight: 563.64
Външен вид: бял кристален прах

Nolvadex Discription:

Нолвадекс (тамоксифен цитрат) е много сравнима с Кломид, се държи по един и същи начин във всички тъкани, и е смесен естрогенен агонист/антагонист от същия тип като Кломид. The two molecules are also very similar in structure. It is not correct that Nolvadex reduces levels of estrogen: Rather, it blocks estrogen from estrogen receptors and, in those tissues where it is an antagonist, causes the receptor to do nothing.
The claim that Nolvadex reduces gains should not be taken too seriously. The fact is that any number of bodybuilders have made excellent gains while using Nolvadex.
The belief that it reduces gains seems to stem from the fact that the scientific literature reports a slight reduction (individuals using anabolic steroids were not studied though) from use of Nolvadex.

Обаче, while being an antagonist it is also an agonist as it will actually act as estrogen in certain parts of the body while acting as an anti-estrogen in other areas. As one of the oldest SERM’s on the market that is still regularly used medicinally, while Nolvadex is also used by anabolic steroid users it is not an anabolic steroid. Estrogen binds to and activates the estrogen receptor in these cells. Nolvadex is metabolized into compounds that also bind to the estrogen receptor but do not activate it.

Because of this competitive antagonism, Nolvadex acts like a key broken off in the lock that prevents any other key from being inserted, preventing estrogen from binding to its receptor. Hence breast cancer cell growth is blocked.Nolvadex was discovered by pharmaceutical company Imperial Chemical Industries(now AstraZeneca) and is sold under the trade names Nolvadex,Istubal, and Valodex. Обаче, the drug has been widely referred to by its generic name “тамоксифен”, even before its patent expiration.

Nolvadex Applications:

Nolvadex is the trade name for the drug tamoxifen citrate, it is a non-steroidal agent that demonstrates potent anti-estrogenic properties. The drug is technically an estrogen agonist/antagonist, which competitively binds to estrogen receptors in various target tissues. With the tamoxifen molecule bound to this receptor, estrogen is blocked from exerting any action, and an anti-estrogenic effect is achieved.

Since many forms of breast cancer are responsive to estrogen, the ability of Nolvadex to block its action in such cells has proven to be a very effective treatment. Nolvadex is also utilized successfully as a preventative measure, taken by people with an extremely high familial tendency for breast cancer. While Nolvadex is effective against estrogen, it is not our strongest available remedy.

Nolvadex is an estrogen agonist in the liver, capable of activating the estrogen receptor and mimicking the
actions of this sex hormone in this region of the body. As such it can have a markedly positive impact on
HDL (good) cholesterol values, as does estrogen.


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Да, We are Nolvadex powder China supplier and we can also supply other steroid raw powder.

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We have our Nolvadex powder testing lab.

Nolvadex powder is frequently inquired from our clients in the United States,Великобритания и Европа. Ако имате нужда от информация, като например сертификат за анализ (КОА), Оферта за най-добра цена, please don’t hesitate to inquiry Nolvadex powder from us via email or phone on the contact us page.

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