» Суров стероиден прах » Тестостерон стероид » Testosterone Muscle Growth Raw Test Cyp Powder CAS 58-20-8 Тестостерон Сипионате

Тестостерон мускулен растеж суров тест Cyp прах CAS 58-20-8 Тестостерон Сипионате




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Условия на плащане:Т/Т, Биткойн

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Име на продукта:
Тестостерон Сипионате
CAS register number:58-20-8
EINECS :200-368-4
Молекулна формула:C27H40O3
Molecular weight :412.61
Топене: 152-156 °C
Клас:Фармацевтичен клас

Testosterone Cypionate Description:

Тестостеронът Cypionate е най-дълго естерираният тестостерон, наличен днес. Той има полуживот в тялото на 15 да 16 дни и се намира като инжекционно масло. Защото реагира в тялото толкова дълго, it can cause more water retention than other steroids and is best used as bulking compound in a stack.

Athletes have a long and fond relationship with Testosterone cypionate. While Testosterone enanthate is manufactured widely throughout the world, cypionate seems to be almost exclusively an American item. It is therefore not surprising that American athletes particularly favor this testosterone ester. But many claim this is not just a matter of simple pride, often swearing cypionate to be a superior product, providing a bit more of a “kick” than enanthate.

At the same time it is said to produce a slightly higher level of water retention, but not enough for it to be easily discerned. Of course when we look at the situation objectively, we see these two steroids are really interchangeable, and cypionate is not at all superior. Both are long acting oil-based injectables, which will keep testosterone levels sufficiently elevated for approximately two weeks.

Testosterone Cypionate Traits

Testosterone Cypionate is a synthetic version of the naturally produced testosterone hormone. This hormone is responsible for many different physical and mental characteristics in males. It promotes sex drive, Дебел Загуба, helps with gaining and maintaining lean muscle mass, increases bone density, and may even protect against heart disease. Whether it is naturally produced or through the use of Testosterone Cypionate, these traits do not change. All other steroids are actually the testosterone molecule that has been altered to change the properties of the hormone. Testosterone Cypionate carries a rating of 100 when measuring its anabolic/androgenic structure and this rating is used to measure all other steroids. This would make testosterone thefatherof all anabolic steroids used by athletes today. It should be noted; all testosterone compounds, including Testosterone Cypionate carry this anabolic/androgenic score of 100, as they are all merely testosterone.

Testosterone Cypionate is a highly anabolic and androgenic hormone making it a great steroid to use if one is in pursuit of more size and strength. Testosterone Cypionate promotes nitrogen retention in the muscle and the more nitrogen the muscles hold the more protein the muscles store. Testosterone Cypionate can also increase the levels of another anabolic hormone, IGF-1 in muscle tissue providing even more anabolic activity. Testosterone Cypionate also has the amazing ability to increase the activity of satellite cells. These cells play an active role in repairing damaged muscle. Testosterone also binds to the androgen receptor to promote androgen receptor dependent mechanisms for muscle gain and fat loss.

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