» Суров стероиден прах » Тренболон стероид » Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzyl Carbonate Parabolan Body Building Strong Effects

Trenbolone хексахидробензил карбонат Parabolan изграждане на тялото силни ефекти




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Parabolan Basic Info


Име Тренболон хексахидробензил карбонат
Псевдоним Параболан, ТЧ, tren hex
CAS NO 23454-33-3
Einecs No 245-669-1
Молекулна формула C26H34O4
Молекулно тегло 410.55
Чистота 99% Мин
Външен вид yellow crystalline powder.
Клас Фармацевтичен клас


Parabolan Description

Parabolan represents the dominant large ester based Trenbolone compound on the market. Parabolan was first released by the France based Negma Laboratories in the late 1960’s under the trade name Parabolan. This represents the first and only Trenbolone hormone to ever exist in human grade form. Parabolan was prescribed for many years in cases of malnutrition, which will make a lot of sense as we dive into the compound. Parabolan was also prescribed to treat osteoporosis in some cases, as well as in the treatment of cachexia. Обаче, in 1997 Negma would pull Parabolan from the market. As the first human grade pharmaceutical Trenbolone compound, Parabolan was also the last.

Parabolan is very similar to the more popular Trenbolone Acetate (Fina) compound. The only difference is the ester attached, as Parabolan will provide a much slower release of Trenbolone requiring fewer injections. The functional traits and characteristics of the Trenbolone hormone do not change based on the attached ester.

As it is no longer prescribed the Trenbolone hormone is predominantly found in performance enhancing circles. Parabolan is one of the most powerful steroids on the market carrying tremendous versatility. The hormone is also found on the veterinarian market in Trenbolone Acetate in cattle implants, but Parabolan or related forms are only found in black market circles currently. In such circles, Parabolan along with all Trenbolone forms is often viewed as the essential steroid in the world of competitive bodybuilding for it’s incredible conditioning effects. Обаче, Parabolan will also hold tremendous mass building properties that are beyond most steroid’s capabilities.

Effects of Parabolan

The effects of Parabolan do not end with cutting and mass promotion. The Parabolan steroid will promote enhanced muscular endurance better than most steroids. Parabolan will also dramatically improve the individual’s overall rate of recovery. The individual will not tire out as fast and he will recover from hard, intense exercise or activity at an accelerated rate. Due to the powerful androgenic activity, the individual will find this steroid also greatly promotes increases in strength. In fact, some may even notice a slight increase during a cutting phase. Разбира се, most all will find strength diminishes to a degree when cutting, but more of Parabolan will be protected when dieting than would be otherwise. Due to these effects of Parabolan, enhanced endurance, recovery and strength, Parabolan can be a fantastic steroid for athletic performance. Обаче, some individuals report decreases in cardiovascular endurance. Обаче, it WILL NOT affect everyone this way. Many will simply enjoy the positive effects of Parabolan.

Parabolan Functions & Traits

Параболан, officially labeled Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate is a structurally altered form of Nandrolone. Nandrolone being the hormone most commonly associated with Deca Durabolin (Нандролон деканоат). For the Trenbolone hormone to exist, the Nandrolone hormone has an added double bond at carbon positions 9 и 11. This greatly increases the hormones androgen binding affinity and inhibits the hormone from aromatizing.

Parabolan carries no aromatizing nature. This slight modification also slows down the metabolism of the hormone resulting in a far more potent anabolic and androgenic nature than Nandrolone, far beyond testosterone as well. In order to understand this hormone’s power, consider its anabolic and androgenic ratings. Parabolan carries an anabolic rating of 500 as well as an androgenic rating of 500. All steroids carry a rating measured against the rating of testosterone, which carries a rating of 100 in both categories.

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