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Бели лиофилизирани пептиди стероиди на прах ACE 031 1mg На флакон 99% Чистота




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Условия на плащане:Т/Т, Биткойн

Транспорт:Поддръжка Експрес · Морски транспорт · Сухопътен транспорт · Въздушен транспорт

  • Описание: __________

АС-031 Infor

Псевдоним:Ацвр2б, Activin Receptor Type Iib
Единичен размер:1mg per vial
Water Content(Карл Фишер) ≤5.0%
Acetate Content(чрез HPLC) ≤15.0%
Amino Acid Composition ±10% of theoretical
Чистота (чрез HPLC) ≥98.0%
Single Impurity(чрез HPLC) ≤1.0%
Peptide Content(от %N) ≥80%
Проба(От безводен, Без оцетна киселина ) 95.0~105.0%

АС-031 Описание: __________:

АС-031 е предназначен само за изследователски цели. АС-031 should not be used for human consumption, diagnostic, therapeutic procedures, agricultural and veterinary purposes. АС-031 is a soluble fusion protein that has been shown to increase muscle mass and strength in research studies. АС-031 is being studied as a treatment for metabolic diseases, renal neoplasms of childhood, cardiovascular anomalies, age-related muscle loss, and cancer treatment related muscle loss and neuromuscular diseases. АС-031 is a biologic therapeutic, based on activin receptor type IIB (ActRIIB). The molecule inhibits signaling via the ActRIIB receptor binding and increase muscle mass and strength. АС-031 is a recombinant fusion protein that is artificially synthesized by fusion of standard antibody and a portion of ActRIIB receptor. The recombinant fusion protein eliminates myostatin and other biomolecules that limit muscle strength or growth.

АС-031, a soluble fusion protein based on the activin receptor type IIB (ActRIIB), is a biologic therapeutic that inhibits signaling through the ActRIIB receptor. By preventing signaling though ActRIIB, АС-031 increases muscle mass and strength. In numerous and varied animal models of disease, АС-031 significantly increased muscle mass and muscle strength. АС-031, and a related molecule ACE-435, have shown encouraging preclinical results in animal models of age-related muscle loss, neuromuscular disease, cancer treatment-related muscle loss and metabolic diseases. АС-031 is currently being studied in a Phase 1 multiple dose clinical trial in healthy volunteers. ACE-435 is expected to enter clinical trials in 2010. АС 031 Muscle Mass and Muscle Power Gains. АС-031 is an engineered decoy receptor used in attempts to treat children with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). The ACE-031 receptor circulates outside the muscle-fiber membrane. Because this receptor binds to myostatin, it lowers the amount of myostatin that can bind to the native receptor in the membrane (ActRIIB), preventing myostatin from delivering the muscle growth-limiting signal.

АС-031 belongs to class of proteins of TGF-beta super family that regulate muscle growth. АС-031 acts on the molecular switches of these molecules and promote muscle growth. In experimental studies, АС-031 promotes muscle growth and inhibits ActRIIB receptor signaling. In pre-clinical studies, administration of ACE-031 for two weeks increased skeletal muscle density, decreased leptin levels, and increased adiponectin. Some bodybuilders use ACE-031 to promote muscle growth and to improve lean muscle. No serious adverse events were reported after ACE-031. Most of the common adverse events are mild and tolerable. The polypeptide contains 368 amino acid molecules, which forms a very large polypeptide complex. Muscle growth is regulated by the production of amino acids , and TGF beta protein super family is mainly the regulator as indicated earlier the on and off switch mechanism is essential for muscle production. When ActRIIB receptors interact with the GDF-8, it sends an on signal, which in turn promotes muscle growth.


АС-031 Application

Some bodybuilders use ACE-031 to promote muscle growth and improve lean muscle. АС-031 No serious adverse events. Most common adverse events are mild and tolerant. The polypeptide contains 368 amino acid molecules that form a very large polypeptide complex. Muscle growth is regulated by the production of amino acids, and the TGFβ protein superfamily is primarily a regulator, and as mentioned above, the switch mechanism is essential for muscle production. When the ActRIIB receptor interacts with GDF-8, it emits an opening signal that promotes muscle growth.

Are you ACE-031 China supplier?

Да, We are ACE-031 China supplier and we can also supply other peptides.

How do you guarantee the ACE-031 quality?

We have our ACE-031 testing lab.

АС-031 is frequently inquired from our clients in the United States,Великобритания и Европа. Ако имате нужда от информация, като например сертификат за анализ (КОА), Оферта за най-добра цена, please don’t hesitate to inquiry ACE-031 from us via email or phone on the contact us page.

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