» Суров стероиден прах » Секс аксесоар прах » White Powder CAS 224785-91-5 Варденафил Levitra прах сексуално подобрение съставки

Бял прах CAS 224785-91-5 Варденафил Levitra прах сексуално подобрение съставки




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Условия на плащане:Т/Т, Биткойн

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Варденафил Инфо:

Име на продукта:Варденафил
Синоними: Варденафил хидрохлорид;Валденафил HCl;Варденафил хидрохлоридна сол;1-[[3-(1,4-дихидро-5-метил-4-оксо-7-пропилимидазо[5,1-f][1,2,4]триазин-2-ил)-4-етоксифенил]сулфонил]-4-етил-пиперазин дихидрохлорид;
МФ: C23H33ClN6O4S
Химични свойства:White to off-white cyrstalline solid

Vardenafil Description

Варденафил (ХАН) е PDE5 инхибитор, използван за лечение на еректилна дисфункция. Показанията и противопоказанията на варденафил са същите като при други PDE5 инхибитори; той е тясно свързан по функция със силденафил цитрат (Виагра) и Тадалафил (Сиалис). The difference between the Vardenafil molecule and Sildenafil citrate is that a nitrogen atom has different position and the change of Sildenafil’s piperazine ring methyl group to an ethyl group. Tadalafil is structurally different from both Sildenafil and Vardenafil. Vardenafil’s relatively short effective time is comparable to but somewhat longer than Sildenafil’s.

Варденафил, as with all PDE5 inhibitors, should not be used by men taking nitrate medications, because combining them with Vardenafil might provoke potentially life-threatening hypotension (low blood pressure).

Further, Vardenafil lengthens QT interval. Therefore it should not be taken by men taking other medications that affect the QT interval (such as Amiodarone).

Vardenafil Application

Показанията и противопоказанията на варденафил са същите като при други PDE5 инхибитори; it is closely related in function to sildenafil citrate (Виагра) и тадалафил (Сиалис). The difference between the vardenafil molecule and sildenafil citrate is a nitrogen atom’s position and the change of sildenafil’s piperazine ring methyl group to an ethyl group. Tadalafil is structurally different from both sildenafil and vardenafil. Vardenafil’s relatively short effective time is comparable to but somewhat longer than sildenafil’s.

Beyond its indications for erectile dysfunction, vardenafil may be effective in the treatment of premature ejaculation, where it may significantly increase the time from penetration to ejaculation.

It is available in 2.5 мг, 5 мг, 10 мг, и 20 mg doses in round orange tablets. The normal starting dose is 10 мг (roughly equivalent to 50 mg of sildenafil). Vardenafil should be taken 1 да 2 hours prior to sexual activity, with a maximum dose frequency of once per day. In some territories, such as the UK, only certain doses may be available.

Vardenafil is also available under the name Staxyn as a tablet which dissolves on the tongue rather than being swallowed in the form of a pill.

The recommended dosage of Staxyn is one 10 mg tablet taken 60 minutes before sexual activity. Certain antidepressants, antifungal, antibiotic, heart, and blood pressure medications can interact with Staxyn. Tell your doctor all medications you use.

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Да, We are Vardenafil powder China supplier and we can also supply other sarms.

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We have our Vardenafil powder testing lab.

Vardenafil powder is frequently inquired from our clients in the United States,Великобритания и Европа. Ако имате нужда от информация, като например сертификат за анализ (КОА), Оферта за най-добра цена, please don’t hesitate to inquiry Vardenafil powder from us via email or phone on the contact us page.

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