» ПЕПТИД » White Powder Skin Tanning Muscle Building Peptides Melanotan 2 Меланотан-II CAS 121062-08-6

Бял прах кожата тен изграждане на мускулите пептиди Melanotan 2 Меланотан-II CAS 121062-08-6




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Условия на плащане:Т/Т, Биткойн

Транспорт:Поддръжка Експрес · Морски транспорт · Сухопътен транспорт · Въздушен транспорт

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Меланотан 2 Infor

Меланотан 2 (МТ2)Melanotan-II
Чистота (чрез HPLC):99.00%
Външен вид:Бял прах
CAS Number:121062-08-6
Молекулна формула:C50H69N15O9
Molecular weight:1024.2

Какво представлява Melanotan 2 ?

Меланотан 2 Дъбилни инжекции (известен още като MT2) За първи път е синтезиран в Университета на Аризона. Изследванията там са знаели, че една от най-добрите защити срещу рак на кожата е меланинът, активиран в кожата, тен. They hypothesized that an effective way to reduce skin cancer rates in people would be to induce the body’s natural pigmentary system to produce a protective tan prior to UV exposure. The body’s naturally occuring hormone MSH causes melanogenesis, a process by which the skin’s pigment cells (melanocytes) produce the skin’s pigment (melanin). They tested to see if administering this endogenous hormone to the body directly could be an effective method to cause sunless tanning. What they found was that while it appeared to work, natural MSH had too short a half life in the body to be practical as a therapeutic drug. So they decided to find a more potent and stable alternative, one that would be more practical.

Как да използвате Melanotan 2 for tanning?

Меланотан 2 is typically provided in vials containing 10 mg of lyophilized (freeze-dried) прах. The vials are reconstituted with a convenient amount of bacteriostatic or sterile water, added to the vial by syringe. An example convenient amount of water is 2.5 мл. When this amount of water is used, the resulting solution contains 4 mg of Melanotan 2 per mL. If for example wishing to take a dose of 1 мг, a volume of 0.25 мл, или “25 IUas marked on an insulin syringe, would be taken by injection. Injection Melanotan 2 may be subcutaneous, intramuscular, or intravenous, according to personal preference.

Injection typically is only once per day, but where a person is first trying the drug and judging tolerance, injection may be divided into two smaller amounts per day.
Typical Melanotan 2 dosage range is 0.5 да 2.0 mg/ден, with a preferred range of 0.5 да 1.0 mg/ден. Обаче, it’s best to first assess tolerance with Melanotan 2 lower dosing of 0.25 mg at a time.
After reconstitution, a Melanotan 2 vial should preferably be consumed entirely within 30 Дни. Prior to reconstitution, Меланотан 2 should be stored in the refrigerator or freezer, but it’s acceptable for it to be shipped without refrigeration.

Use generally should be discontinued if Melanotan 2, in the individual case, causes problems with increased growth, number, or darkness of moles.

Melanotan 2’s effect is fairly long-lasting. Меланотан 2 can even be the case that it takes a year or more for a cycle’s effect to largely disappear. Use of maintenance cycles can maintain effect indefinitely. As a rule of thumb, maintenance typically requires about 2 да 3 times as much Melanotan 2 per year as was needed for the first cycle. This can be taken either as a total of 2 да 3 cycles per year done in the same way as the initial cycle, or any more frequent dosing pattern providing this total amount of Melanotan 2 per year.

Are you Melanotan 2 China supplier?

Да, We are Melanotan 2 China supplier and we can also supply other peptides.

How do you guarantee the Melanotan 2 quality?

We have our Melanotan 2 testing lab.

Меланотан 2 is frequently inquired from our clients in the United States,Великобритания и Европа. Ако имате нужда от информация, като например сертификат за анализ (КОА), Оферта за най-добра цена, please don’t hesitate to inquiry Melanotan 2 from us via email or phone on the contact us page.

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