» Завършено масло » Steroids Semi Finished Liquid Oxandrolone Anavar 50mg Injectable For Bodybuilding

Стероиди полу завършен течен Oxandrolone Anavar 50mg инжекционни за бодибилдинг




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Anavar 50mg рецепта:
Най-висока концентрация, направена -50ml @ 20mg / ml
1 грам Oxandrol-one прах
9.8 мл на ПЕГ 300
39.2 ML от 190 Доказателство зърно алкохол

2)50мл @ 50мг/мл
2.5 грама Anavar (2.5мл)
2.5мл БА
2.5мл BB
5ml guaiacol
37.5ml Масло

Anavar 50mg Description

Anavar 50mg is a steroid which is mild in anabolic nature, and was actually used as a treatment to promote growth in children. Anavar 50mg is commonly referred to as Oxandrolone, the brand name given by the drug manufacturer Searle. Being a derivative of dihydrotestosterone we have a steroid that is already 5-alpha reduced, and therefore possesses reduced androgenic activity.

Anavar 50mg may be added to a bulking cycle to add its anabolic nature to the overall stack, with no added oestrogen side effects. Обаче, its anabolic nature is mild, and Anavar 50mg can often suppress the appetite which is obviously not what we want whilst trying add muscle mass.

Anavar 50mg цикъл

Anavar 50mg (or simply “var”) is the common name for the steroid Anavar 50mg, which in its clinical setting is primarily used to promote muscle growth in patients with muscle wasting disorders. Due to its unique properties Anavar 50mg is a highly desired oral steroid for bodybuilders and athletes, although its relatively high cost often limits its use for those with slightly deeper pockets.

Due to its popularity, Anavar 50mg is produced by a number of underground labs in various dosed tablets, typically between 10mg – 50мг. Така, in short, what makes Anavar 50mg such a prized choice amongst the various oral steroids available?

Dosing yourAnavar 50mg цикъл

Anavar 50mg is an oral steroid produced by a number of reputable underground labs. Depending on the lab you choose, tablets are typically dosed anywhere between 10mg to 50mg. The half-life for Anavar 50mg is around 12 Часа, so ideally we would aim to take two or three evenly spaced doses throughout the day to produce stable concentrations.

A typical Anavar 50mg cycle would be 50-80mg per day for six to eight weeks. Those new to PEDs would usually opt for the lower end, with 50mg per day often proving a fruitful dose for producing decent results whilst minimising side effects for those trying their first cycle. Higher dosessay 80mg per daywill usually spur greater muscle gain, but it may be wise to save such a higher dose for subsequent cycles when the user is more experienced and has a better understanding of their tolerance and proneness to any side effects.

Are you Anavar 50mg China supplier?

Да, We are Anavar 50mg Injection China supplier and we can also supply other Injection Steroid Liquid.

How do you guarantee the Anavar 50mg Injection quality?

We have our Anavar 50mg Injection testing lab.

Anavar 50mg is frequently inquired from our clients in the United States,Великобритания и Европа. Ако имате нужда от информация, като например сертификат за анализ (КОА), Оферта за най-добра цена, please don’t hesitate to inquiry Anavar 50mg from us via email or phone on the contact us page.

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