» Peptid » CAS 137525-51-0 Muskelaufbau Peptide Bpc157 Körperschutz Compound-157 / Bpc 157 Weiß

Cas 137525-51-0 Muskelaufbau Peptide Bpc157 Körperschutz Compound-157 / Bpc 157 Weiß




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  • Beschreibung

Bpc 157 infor

Produktname: Bpc 157
Alias: Pentadecapeptid BPC 157 ; Booly Protection Compound 15
Cas: 137525-51-0
Mf: C62H98N16O22
Mw: 1419.53552
Spezifikation: 2mg/Durchstechflasche

Bpc 157 Beschreibung:

Bpc 157 (Körperschutz-Verbindung-157) ist ein Pentadecapeptid, bestehend aus 15 Aminosäuren. Die Aminosäuresequenz in BPC 157 ähnelt einem Teil des menschlichen BPC 157 amino acid sequence. Human BPC 157 is found in the gastric juice.

Experiments have shown that BPC 157 enhances the healing of wounds, including tendons wounds such as transected Achilles tendons of rats. The aim of this study was to investigate the probable mechanism that BPC 157 utilizes to accelerate the healing process in an injured tendon.

The study used two group of tendon explants of which one group was cultured in a BPC 157-containing medium while the other group was cultured in a medium lacking BPC 157. These cultures were thereafter examined for tendon fibroblasts outgrowths. Such outgrowths indicated tendon regeneration.The results revealed that the explantsoutgrowth was significantly accelerated in the culture containing BPC 157 as compared to the culture lacking BPC 157.

Auch, a MTT assay did show that BPC 157 does not directly affect cellular proliferation in a culture of rat-derived Achilles tendon. Jedoch, results also showed that BPC 157 significantly increased the survival of cells under oxidative stress. Außerdem, the Transwell filter migration assay showed that BPC 157 significantly increased in-vitro fibroblast migration in a dose-dependent fashion. Außerdem, Bpc 157 accelerated the dispersal of the fibroblasts in culture dishes in a dose-dependent manner.

Bpc 157 Anwendung:

Da BPC 157 hat sich als isoliert von Magensäften erwiesen, Es sollte nicht überraschen, dass verschiedene wissenschaftliche Studien, die an Tierversuchspersonen durchgeführt wurden, in der Lage waren, mehrere Zusammenhänge zwischen der Anwesenheit des Peptids und #8217;s und der Funktionalität des Verdauungstraktes zu ermitteln.. Speziell, es wurde festgestellt, dass BPC 157 zeigt die Fähigkeit, die Art und Weise, in der der Verdauungstrakt betrieben werden kann, zu regulieren und zu kontrollieren.
One of the ways that BPC 157 accomplishes this is through safeguarding the endothelium, which is the thin layer of cells that line the blood vesselsinterior surface. Another way the BPC 157 peptide carries out regulatory function is by being a key factor in the process of angiogenesis; Das heißt, the process in which new blood vessels are formed from pre-existing blood vessels.
This latter process is further bolstered by BPC 157’s ability to form granulation tissue; this term references the new connective tissues and tiny blood vessels that develop on the surface of wound, thus making the peptide an important piece to the overall wound healing process. Further studies have also shown that the BPC 157 peptide’s inherent functionality allows it to contain anti-inflammatory properties. Zusätzlich, these studies have determined that BPC 157 can also help in the regulation and control of blood flow throughout an animal test subject’s gastro-intestinal tract.


Are you BPC 157 China Lieferant?

Ja, We are BPC 157 China Lieferant und wir können auch andere Peptide liefern.

How do you guarantee the BPC 157 Qualität?

We have our BPC 157 testing lab.

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