» Blog » Do Olives and Olive Oil Have the Same Health Benefits?–Am Sept 15,2022

Haben Oliven und Olivenöl die gleichen gesundheitlichen Vorteile??–Am Sept 15,2022

September 15, 2022

Schwarze Oliven, Unerfahrene Oliven, oder Olivenöl: Das ist das Beste für Sie?

Haben Oliven und Pflanzenöl identische Vorteile??

Sowohl Oliven als auch Pflanzenöle werden als gesunde Lebensmittel beworben, vor allem weil sie reich an einfach ungesättigten Fetten sind. Kulturen, deren Ernährung während dieser Art von Fett gebildet wird, neigen dazu, niedrigere Raten von Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen zu besitzen, Krebs, and obesity—even once their total fat consumption is on the high aspect. Tatsächlich, some researchers theorize that monounsaturated fats can be slightly less “fattening” than alternative kinds of fat as a result of the body metabolizes and stores them otherwise. Monounsaturated fats additionally appear to be less seemingly to contribute to clogged arteries and cardiovascular disease.

The variations Between Olives and vegetable oil

Here’s one massive distinction between olives and olive oil: Oil is just about 100 percent fat, whereas whole olives area unit solely concerning 2 hundredth fat. Infolgedessen, a serving of vegetable oil contains a hundred and twenty calories whereas a serving of olives (about ten medium) has solely forty.

As you’ll be able to see, olives and vegetable oil every have execs and cons. However it’s a bit silly to do to match them as a result of they’re very not interchangeable. You’re not aiming to sauté your spinach during a few olives and you’re most likely not aiming to have a tablespoon of vegetable oil as a snack. Satisfy it to mention that vegetable oil is one among the healthiest oils you’ll be able to select and olives build alimental snacks and condiments.

What’s the Healthiest sort of Olive?

Green olives, that area unit picked before they ripen, tend to be higher in polyphenols. Schwarze Oliven, that area unit allowed to ripen on the tree, usually have higher oil content.

I’ve written antecedently concerning the simplest kinds of vegetable oil to shop for. However what area unit your best decisions after you belly up to the olive bar?

The concentration of oil and polyphenols varies in step with the variability of olive and also the degree of matureness. Inexperienced olives, that area unit picked before they ripen, tend to be higher in polyphenols. Schwarze Oliven, that area unit allowed to ripen on the tree, usually have higher oil content. each ripe and unripe olives area unit sensible sources of iron, copper, and tocopherol.

How area unit Olives Processed?

As I aforementioned earlier, you can’t eat olives straightaway the tree—even if they’re “ripe.” Raw olives area unit exhausting and bitter. To form them edible, they’re preserved in brine, or cured in salt or oil. The solidifying natural action action activity process removes bitter compounds (some of that area unit those healthy polyphenols), softens the fruit, and imbues them with flavor. It additionally imbues them with a good quantity of metallic element.

Which Olives Have the smallest amount Salt?

The amount of metallic element in methoded olives depends on their hardening process. traurig, elaborate nutrition data could also be exhausting to return by at the olive bar. In my expertise, the massive Cerignola olives area unit among the smallest amount salty varieties. And as a general rule, black olives can have concerning the metallic element of inexperienced olives.

If you’re terribly salt sensitive, you would possibly need to skip the majority olives and stick to olives in jars, that have nutrition facts labels. Here, auch, your choices have exaggerated. additionally to the classic green-with-pimiento, even a modestly-stocked foodstuff is probably going to hold kalamata, Seville, and perhaps even some oil-cured olives in jars.

Verwandte Produkte: PEG – MGF

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