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Eating this way will help you build muscle easilyOn 19,2022

January 19, 2022

I often chat with students at the end of get out of class, sometimes chatting about the current situation, sometimes discussing the actions in class. When get out of class was over at noon last Saturday, I walked out of the classroom chatting with students as usual.

To eat within the golden 30 minutes after exercise, to give the muscles a good supply, can help the muscles repair!

Tatsächlich, after a hard workout, muscles are the state that needs nutrition the most! We can think of the body as a car; when the car runs out of oil, we must go to refuel immediately, otherwise, not only will the car not be able to move, but it will easily cause the parts to fail, Rechts? Daher, in the golden 30 minutes to 1 hour after exercise, it is the time when you need to refuel your body the most!

Mastering the three elements of exercise will allow you to easily build muscles: Übung, nutrition, and rest. It is very important to achieve a balance of the three elements. Proper exercise, nutritional supplements and adequate sleep are all essential! Natürlich, not only how to eat after exercise is very important, but eating the right food before exercise can also make exercise more effective!

Many classmates asked me, ” why do I keep exercising, but I can’t lose weight?”

The reason is very simple, the teacher can only help you exercise, and you still have to rely on yourself to eat! What to eat and when to eat is very important!

The best time to eat before exercise: eat within 2 hours before exercise

When you are hungry or eat too much, exercise will burden your body and internal organs. Daher, it is better to eat within 2 hours before exercise. The digestion of food takes at least 3 hours to be completely digested, so it is best to exercise 2 hours after a meal, neither too full nor too hungry.

Exercising when you are hungry can easily cause dizziness and affect the effect of exercise due to low blood sugar, and even cause a crisis of sports injury. Außerdem, eating too much and exercising will put too much burden on the stomach, and those with bloated stomach will not be able to concentrate on exercise, and may experience vomiting and nausea. Jedoch, we usually go to exercise after work and have no time to eat at all, so what should we do?

If you don’t have time to eat before exercise, you can eat like this

Choose foods that don’t take a lot of time to digest, and foods that convert energy in a short amount of time. Such as bananas, apples and other fruits, or energy drinks, sports energy bars and so on. Avoid as much as possible and consume too much soup. In the process of exercising, there are many times when the body will bend. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt, if too much water is in the stomach, it is easy to have nausea and vomiting or gastroesophageal reflux!

30 minutes to 1 hour after exercising is the time when the muscles are the most hungry. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt, whatever we give to the body will be taken by the body according to the order. Daher, many people will supplement protein, eat chicken breast, and drink soy milk after exercising. But did you know that post-workout is the best time to eat? That’s right, eating carbs after a workout is the best! Because, the glycogen consumed during exercise needs to be repaired by good carbohydrates, so that the physical strength can be quickly recovered, and it will not be stored as fat.

Why do you want to eat during the prime time of 30 minutes to 1 hour after exercise? In addition to getting your muscles well nourished and repaired, it’s more important to avoid delayed eating. There are many people who endure a long time before eating after exercising. Daher, the blood sugar level of the body soars from the lowest to the highest. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt, the insulin responsible for transporting energy to the cells will be secreted in large quantities. The large amount of secreted insulin will not only give the muscles Cells supply energy, but also energy for fat, this is the delayed diet, resulting in the process of fat accumulation.

Master the golden time and match the golden ratio. You can eat like this after exercising

Muscle repair requires protein, and vitamins can increase protein absorption. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt, we can eat sugar-free yogurt, tofu salad, soy milk, orange juice, Etc. With good carbohydrates, sweet potatoes, and rice with five grains, it is best to control the calories between 300 Und 400 calories, so as not to overdo it! The golden ratio of carbohydrates and protein is 3:1, Zum Beispiel: a bowl of chicken rice with a marinated egg. If you don’t have time to prepare, convenience stores are a good choice. Every food is clearly marked with grams and calories.

Verwandte Produkte: SR9011

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