» Blog » How does aerobic endurance exercise help the body?–Am Feb 9,2022

How does aerobic endurance exercise help the body?–Am Feb 9,2022

February 9, 2022

1. Increase the number of muscle mitochondria and increase the enzyme activity in the mitochondria

Mitochondria are cellular energy factories that help the body efficiently metabolize fats or sugars. Das heißt,, the more muscle mitochondria and the better the function, the stronger the body’s ability to burn fat, so that you can reduce the use of carbohydrates when exercising, and you can exercise for a longer time, and it is not easy to accumulate fat, especially terror. of visceral fat.

2. Increased muscle microvessel density

Blood is a car that transports oxygen and nutrients. Blood vessels are like roads. The more roads and denser roads, the more efficiently the car can transport energy and nutrients to the muscles and store them as glycogen for use, and carry away unnecessary metabolic wastes.

3. A strong heart

The heart is the base of blood delivery. Aerobic endurance training increases the volume of the heart to hold more blood, and the thickening of the heart muscle makes the blood flow faster, resulting in an increase in the overall stroke volume.​

When you think about the increase in overall stroke volume, the heart can be lazy at rest to pump enough blood to the body without having to beat as much. Daher, the normal resting heart rate will be lower than others.

4. Smart head

In addition to the hard work of the muscles and heart during aerobic endurance exercise, the brain also plays a very important role.

Studies have found that high-frequency aerobic endurance exercise can significantly increase the cognitive function of the brain, allowing you to think more clearly and have a better memory!

The heart and brain are important organs that dominate life. Compared with resistance training, aerobic endurance training can improve the function of the heart, lungs and brain.

More importantly, when the above abilities are improved, it can effectively lower blood pressure and stay away from cardiovascular diseases, Diabetes, cancer and other life-threatening devils. (Natürlich, if you add healthy eating habits, the effect will be doubled)

So if the stroke volume is large, the density of muscle capillaries and mitochondria is high, and more energy can be stored, is the recovery relatively faster and more energy available for muscles to use during exercise?

Once the recovery ability is improved, the stored energy is increased, and the endurance is improved, it is conceivable that the time, frequency, number of sets and overall training volume of your muscles in the gym will be significantly improved relatively!

Verwandte Produkte: Rad140

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