» Blog » What to Eat Before, Während, und nach dem Training?–Am Aug 31,2022

Was man vorher essen sollte, Während, und nach dem Training?–Am Aug 31,2022

August 31, 2022

Essen ist der Treibstoff, der es Ihnen ermöglicht, während des gesamten Trainings Leistung zu erbringen und es anschließend zu überstehen.

The importance of total daily nutrient intake

Before we tend to take away into recommendations concerning what to eat before, während, und sobald Ihre Workouts, Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass sich die Wissensbasis in Bezug auf Bewegungsernährung in den letzten zehn Jahren konzentriert hat. As additional analysis has become accessible, total daily nutrient intake has become additional vital than the temporal order of intake for athletes and active people alike.

In alternative words, the question of whether or not your total energy desires ar being met ought to be prioritized over queries of temporal order. Nutrition scientists ar realizing that once you eat doesn’t appear to create an entire ton of distinction for many folks once real changes like performance gains ar measured over longer periods of your time.

That’s to not say that nutrient temporal order is dead. Nutrient temporal order is useful if you’re a weight category contestant, serious endurance contestant, skilled somebody, or if you train doubly on a daily basis.

What to eat before your exercising?

If you exercising whereas you’re starved, you just won’t have the energy for your body to perform and this could hinder your fitness gains.The best time to figure out is 3 to four hours once feeding, counting on however giant a meal you’ve devoured.

If you’re employed out very first thing within the morning, a pre-workout snack of recent fruit or a glass of juice can offer you energy while not consideration you down. If you exercise before dinner at the tip of a piece day, a pre-workout snack of instant oatmeal, yogurt, or fruit half-hour before your exercising ar nice choices.

What to eat throughout your exercising?

If you exercise for a protracted time while not feeding, you’ll feel fatigue and limit your ability to keep up your exercising intensity. If you propose on exertion for fewer than seventy minutes, you don’t got to eat; simply make certain you hydrate with tiny, frequent sips of water throughout your exercising.

But if you’re doing one thing sort of a long haul or bike ride, or even a handful of consecutive fitness categories, attempt to fuel with tiny snacks each fifteen to twenty minutes, ideally from a fast macromolecule supply that’s simple to hold, sort of a ziplock bag of raisins, bananas, or light bread with honey.

What to eat once your exercising?

If you don’t feed your muscles and fill up your energy stores once exercise, you won’t have the mandatory building blocks for recovery. For years, it had been believed that we must always consume fast-digesting supermolecule and carbohydrates inside 30-45 minutes once exercise.

This was called the post-workout “anabolic window of opportunity” wherever our bodies might best use the nutrients for optimum recovery. New analysis shows that this window is really loads larger than antecedently believed.

After you exercise, your muscles are hungry for supermolecule and carbohydrates. to reinforce your recovery, eat a post-workout snack or post-workout meal containing carbohydrates and supermolecule inside 2 Stunden.

Verwandte Produkte: Dutasteride

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