» Péptido » 99 % Asda el peg de péptidos de polvo blanco – MGF 2mg / Vial CAS 62031-54-3 para el crecimiento muscular

99 % Asda el peg de péptidos de polvo blanco – MGF 2mg / Vial CAS 62031-54-3 para el crecimiento muscular




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  • Descripción

PEG-MGF infor

Pureza (Hplc): 98.0%
Impureza única(Hplc): 0.5%máximo.
Composición de aminoácidos: acerca de 10% de teórico
Contenido de Peptide(N%): 80.0%Min.
Sra(Esi): Consistente
Balance de masas: 95.0~105.0%
Endotoxinas bacterianas: 5 UE/mg máx..
Aspecto: Polvo blanco

Descripción de PEG-MGF:

PEG-MGF is a splice variant of the IGF produced by a frame shift if the IGF gene and PEGylated to improve stability. PEG-MGF, or PEGylated Mechano Growth Factor, is a new and innovative form of the IGF produced by a frame shift if the IGF gene, namely PEG-MGF, which is PEGylated to improve stability that outperforms natural PEG-MGF many times over. PEG-MGF es una variante de empalme del gen IGF que aumenta el recuento de células madre en el músculo y permite que las fibras musculares se fusionan y maduren. Este es un proceso necesario para el crecimiento del músculo adulto.

Peg-MGF natural se hace localmente y no viaja al torrente sanguíneo. Synthetic PEG-MGF is water based and when administered intramuscularly, viaja al torrente sanguíneo. PEG-MGF sólo es estable en el torrente sanguíneo durante sólo unos minutos. Research has shown that PEG-MGF helps increase the muscle stem cell count, so that more may fuse and become part of adult muscle cells.

PEG-MGF es el acto de unir un polietilenglicol (PEG-MGF) estructura a otra molécula más grande. El PEG-MGF actúa como un recubrimiento protector y la teoría aquí es que esto permitirá que el PEG-MGF sea transportado a través del torrente sanguíneo sin ser descompuesto. Neurological research has shown that utilizing PEGylated PEG-MGF resulted in a longer more stable acting version of the PEG-MGF peptide in serum/ blood.

Aplicación PEG-MGF:

PEG-MGF exhibits local effects in skeletal muscle and without cannot travel through the body without modification. The problem with synthetic PEG-MGF is that it is introduced intramuscularly and is water based so it goes into the blood stream. When used this way, Mechano PEG-MGF only remains stable in the blood stream for a few minutes. Biologically produced PEG-MGF is made locally and does not enter the bloodstream.

PEG-MGF injection is also short acting so stability is not an issue. By PEG-MGF the Mechano Growth Factor (MGF) it is almost as efficient as local produced PEG-MGF when used intramuscularly. This is accomplished by surrounding part of the peptide with a structure of polyethylene glycol, which can be attached to a protein molecule. The polyethylene glycol groups protect the peptide but do not surround it completely. The active sites of the peptide are still free to do their biological function. In this case the shell is a negative charged shield against positively charged compounds that would affect the protein.

When we use PEG-MGF on cycle or off cycle, you are going to experience recovery that is far superior to any generic peptide available. Just like normal peptides, remember that PEG-MGF comes in the form of a white delicate powder that needs to be reconstituted with bacteriostatic water and kept in the refrigerator.

PEG-MGF Dosage and PEG-MGF Usage

Using PEG-MGF on cycle or off cycle, you are going to experience recovery that is far superior to any generic peptide available. Just like normal peptides, remember that PEG-MGF comes in the form of a white delicate powder that needs to be reconstituted with bacteriostatic water and kept in the refrigerator.

PEG-MGF does not need to be systematically administered because of its long half-life (several days). PEG-MGF will circulate your body binding to the receptors where muscle tissue damage has taken place. Administration should be timed post workout or on recovery days when you plan on resting.

Since mechano growth factor is a variant of IGF-1, you do not want to use PEG-MGF pre-workout because PEG-MGF will have to fight for position with IGF-1 as they both try to bind to the same receptor. IGF-1 has a much stronger affinity to bind then PEG-MGF.

Are you PEG-MGF China supplier?

Sí, We are PEG-MGF China supplier and we can also supply other peptides.

How do you guarantee the PEG-MGF quality?

We have our PEG-MGF testing lab.

PEG-MGF is frequently inquired from our clients in the United States,Reino Unido y Europa. Si necesita información como certificado de análisis (COA), presupuesto para los mejores precios, please don’t hesitate to inquiry PEG-MGF from us via email or phone on the contact us page.

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    Correo electrónico:jesscia@hkunitedchem.com

