» Blog » What is the role of vitamin C?–en 1/4/2022

¿Cuál es el papel de la vitamina C??–en 1/4/2022

Diciembre 31, 2021

Vitamina C, también llamado ácido L-ascórbico o ascorbato, es un ácido de azúcar débil, similar en estructura a la glucosa. Históricamente, Se ha utilizado para tratar y prevenir el escorbuto.

Prevenir la deficiencia de vitamina C es muy importante para el cuerpo, y es muy fácil de hacer. En todos los alimentos ricos en vitamina C, como los cítricos, papas, col y brócoli, many ready-made foods are now also rich in vitamin C to help you provide more of this basic vitamin.

Studies have shown that vitamin C can provide a variety of important health benefits, including supporting the immune system, antioxidant properties, and restoring cell failure caused by stress caused by exercise.

Nutritional vitamin C is abundant in immune cells. It is believed to play an important role in supporting the production and release of cytokines, and it also improves the efficiency of monocyte metabolism in the body. Sin embargo, when illness occurs, these reserves are quickly depleted, which is why vitamin C is often added to things such as cough drops and cold medicines.

Además, vitamin C is an essential factor for the work of several enzymes, which means that if the vitamin is not present, the reaction cannot proceed effectively. This includes reactions related to the synthesis of collagen, the entry of fat into the mitochondria to produce ATP (the energy currency of the human body), and the synthesis of neurotransmitters like norepinephrine.

Due to its protective and antioxidant effects, there is evidence that vitamin C can reduce muscle soreness during exercise. Two studies have confirmed this, using at least 1 gram of vitamin C a day as an independent supplement to test its effects. Most experiments with insignificant effects either used lower doses or used in combination with other supplements, which may affect the effectiveness of vitamin C.

If you have been more certain to add vitamin C, you can use a multivitamin supplement to increase your intake, or you can choose a separate vitamin C supplement if you prefer a higher dose.

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